Chapter 2

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I wake up to the wind chime in the window flashing me in the face. I sit up, rubbing at my bleary eyes before detangling myself from the knot of blankets. Memories from only hours ago rush back and I feel as though someone has kicked me in the stomach.

I sprint out to the hallway, tears gathering in my eyes at the fresh images. Why did this happen? I clench my fists in anger, tears of rage now coursing down my cheeks. Why did they do this to us? To me?

I feel my hands begin to shake, my breath in gasps, sobs forming into growls. Then anger consumes me, grief powering adrenaline as I rage.

I stumble aimlessly around the house, trying desperately to erase my anger. But I can't. So I strike out, my fist flying into the wall, drawing blood.

I stare shakily at the beads of red forming on my knuckles. My mother would normally patch me up, kiss my cheek and comfort me.

I kick the wall. But she's not here. No one is. I'm alone.

Suddenly I begin to shake, not with anger but with all emotions, all flashing incoherently through my mind, confusing me.

I lose my balance, slumping against the wall and knocking a cabinet. A vase smashes down on top of me, shattering heavily, the fragments slipping into my clothing, others inbedding themselves in my skin.

But I don't feel the sting, the impact of the vase. Instead my body begins to convulse, my back arching against my will.

My eyes roll as terror overtakes me, what's going on?! I try to move, to get my body to obey but it has a mind of its own.

Then the first bone breaks and suddenly I'm screaming, my limbs over extending, snapping and fracturing.

There is no numbing the pain. I feel all of it, every single crack.

I writhe around, my eyes squeezed shut in agony, until I'm sure that every bone has broken and been rebroken.

That's when it stops, the silence is terrifying and then it's not.

My eyes snap open,

And suddenly I can smell the pine from the surrounding forest, hear the droning of a wasps wings, can feel even the slightest change of air around me.

And then I catch sight of my reflection in the glass panelling of the cabinet beside me. I scramble backwards, only to find that I have four legs.

I collapse in a heap. What's going on? What's going on? What am I?

I stare at my reflection, the wolf staring back at me. I open my mouth, showing rows of sharp canines. Of killing tools.

My chest contracts, tightening. Burn no tears come, all I can feel is emotional pain.

I sweep at the glass, at myself, leaving deep slashes in the previously smooth surface. I let out a howl.

I'm am a monster. A monster. Just like those men. Those murderers.

How would you react if this happened to you?

Thanks for reading! Feedback pleeeassseee! It really helps me out and saves me from feeling like a dumbass when I discover obvious mistakes or plot holes!

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