Chapter 13

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This is well since due but i'd like to dedicate this chapter to TheDarkDestoryer2004 , thanks for voting and for being the one of the only people who actually commented in accordance to my questions at the end of my first chapters! I really appreciate it! Now, onto the chapter!


We're not even two steps out of the cell when I attempt to shift back into my human form. Maybe I do it just because it's the opposite of what i've been asked, or maybe it's just instinct.

Either way, it doesn't work.

Don't get me wrong. I shift, but my neck remains incircled within the leash.

Beau stops with a frustrated growl as the yank of the rope catches his attention, casting his eyes down at me as if it takes extreme effort. I resist the urge to smile sheepishly, sure it would just push him to the end of his patience. Patience that he'd proven to lack.

So I just collect myself, ignoring the relentless pull at my neck as I push myself to my knees and straighten. Turning my face towards Beau's, thankful that i managed to shift wearing clothes as his eyes scrutinise me.

Then he looks away, yanking the rope in his hand, forcing me into step behind him. "You honestly don't make it easy for yourself" he calls as he drags me forward "But don't worry about that. Our pack docter sourced the needle you met earlier, so shifting you back won't be a problem

I feel a fresh flutter of fear flit across my chest, seeming to spread as it passes, tightening my breathing. "Where are we going? What are they going to do to me?" I ask in a choked voice, unable to help myself as panic threatens to take over.

Beau quickens his pace as if sensing this, flicking his eyes over his shoulder "I told you, we need to check that you don't have rabies" he repeats, though with no humour this time.

I shrink into myself, staggering forward unsteadily, desperately trying to slow our steady pace. But the lack of air due to the rope cutting into my neck weakens my struggle as Beau relentlessly tightens his grip. "Stop. Please" I gasp, tears gathering in my eyes. How can someone be so cruel?

Surprisingly Beau slows our pursuit the moment he sees my tears, anger clouding his face as ge turns to face me.

I cower, flinching as he takes a step towards me. But i can't move back, the rope between us providing no slack.

He crouches in front of me, his arms resting on his knees. He studies me with hard eyes "Look, this is normal protocol." He snaps, gripping my jaw with hard fingers "You're not special in any way and we sure as hell aren't going to treat you like it"

I stay quiet, listening as my tears drip from my chin onto the stone floor, my heart sinking.

I hear him sigh and glance up warily, shocked to see that his features seemed to have softened slightly "Stop overreacting, they're not going to intentionally hurt you." He says "But if you fight them then they'll give back just as much" he almost throws my face from his hand, snapping my neck to the side.

I take his warning, complying as he rights himself and continues down the hall. Although, I keep my distance, the rope tight. My eyes forever searching for a possible escape.

Fear still clutches my heart, threatening to crush it as I acknowledge that every step I take draws me closer to the reason. Or is the reason right in front of me? Either way, I don't intend on making it to our destination.

We enter the main packhouse, the previously empty rooms filling, pack members sending curious glances in my direction. I plead with each of them, using my eyes, but they all turn away.

Then one girls eyes catch on mine, giving me a second glance. I trip in surprise, sprawling to the ground. It takes me half a second to realise that i've pulled the rope from Beau's grip. I lurch away as he snatches for it, the material snaking across the ground. But i'm too quick, whipping it towards me and gathering the coils in my hand.

I turn to the girl, her steps halted as she stands amongst the crowd gathered to see what's going on. I reach for her "Please, help" I beg, a sob trapping in my throat at how helpless, useless I am.

She backs away, her eyes wide as she looks towards Beau, who gains on me carefully. I consider shifting but then give in, aware of the mass of werewolves surrounding me.

That is, until I see Isaiah. I don't think, lunging towards him, he'll help I assure myself as I throw myself through the crowd to get to him. He catches me by my upper arms, keeping me upright. I sob into his shirt uncontrollably, gripping onto him. Then he pushes me back, shoves me away from him. Not looking at me, not holding me, holding my leash.

Hurt lashes through me as I relise his intentions and I squeeze my eyes shut as he holds the leash out to Beau, my skin crawling with betrayal as he takes it.

When I open my eyes I don't look up, keeping them downcast, shame heating my cheeks. My own brother won't even help me.

I'm lead from the room, this time swiftly towed behind Beau, his anger driving me by force. I know i've embarassed him, humiliated him even and I can't help but feel that he deserves it. Let him feel that way. I couldn't care less.

"Aw, did I hurt your feelings?" I spit at his back, smugly aware as his shoulders tighten, giving away his reaction though his face remains cast away. "Dent your dignity did I? Lower your pride?" I press "You did look a bit pathetic don't you think?" I cough out a laugh.

Then i'm flying towards the ground, smashing face first into the floor as I gag, the rope cutting into my flesh suddenly, sealing off my airway. My hands grapple at my neck, scrabbling uselessly at the noose.

Black dots erupt in the corners of my vision, spreading easily over my eyes and numbing my brain, muddling my thoughts. My hands fall from my throat, and I drift out of conciousness, waving in and out.

Then out. My eyes lock on the farway image of Beau leaning over me, his eyes wild. I gasp one word, using the little air left in my lungs "Pathetic" I wheeze.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter, please tell me! Thoughts on Beau so far? Thankssss for reading!

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