Chapter 8

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By the time that I'm released from his grip, teeth marks are punctured into my flesh, my fur damp with blood.

I am allowed to stand for approximately two seconds before the guy who was carrying me, the one i've deemed as leader, orders the rest of the group to restrain me.

I don't resist. But I don't understand why I have to be held down by four males when I was complying perfectly fine. Not that I plan to continue to.

However, I do notice that this time their grip is relaxed, just pressing, a warning that they're there and not to try anything.

I've been deliberately taken to a clearing, a black jeep parked in the very centre. I'm not stupid, I know what that means. They're taking me somewhere. What did they say before? To their pack, their Alpha?

I feel a new surge of panic wash over the constant one, my mind reeling to understand what that means. I know that alphas are the leaders of wolf packs, leading hunts, all of that stuff. But does that apply to werewolves?

Suddenly knees drop down in front of my face, thudding heavily into the damp ground. I jump in fright, forcefully ripped from my thoughts as a hand yanks my chin up.

I look into the face of the guy, wolf, that carried me. My stomach dropping at the smirk on his face.

"You're going to get in the car. No fuss." He says calmly, but I don't miss the meaning behind his relaxed tone "Alright?"

I hesitate, scanning my options as my heart speeds. I could run, head back into the trees. But I would never get far enough to escape, would never get far enough eithout being caught. Getting them off my back in the first place would be considered a problem in itself.

So, finding no other choice, I submit. My spine shudders in shame as I do so, rolling my head to show my neck and whining lowly. I nearly flinch at the sound leaving my lips, an action far below my standards.

A quick head gesture and I'm released, my chest finally gaining the ability to expand properly. I don't move from the ground though, the guys stare lingering almost accusingly.

After an uncomfortable few seconds I shift my body, raising myself and taking a careful step towards the open door of the Jeep . Isn't that what he wants me to do?

"Uh, uh, uh" he scolds tauntingly "Unfortunately for you Love, I don't allow dogs in my car"

I stop moving, my breath hitching. I knew that couldn't be all.

"Now shift. Or we'll force you" he repeats, letting the words hang for a second before he shrugs "Your choice"

Again I find no other option. To shift means to give up my defences, to make myself vulnerable. But I can't see any other way out of this.

So I unwillingly imagine my human form, defeat coiling, suffocating my heart. My shoulders ripple, preparing to shift. Then they still.

I feel a spark of confusion and try again, but this time I am forced to the back of my mind, my wolf pushing to the front, gaining control. My body refuses to shift, reacting to the lingering doubt in my chest. My wolf guides my body, my eyes towards her subject of attention and suddenly I understand. Then she retreats, disappearing.

I follow her intentions, taking a chance. I lunge towards the guy, his attention elsewhere, his eyes cast away. I land on his chest, throwing us both to the ground.

We land heavily but I recover quickly, slashing my claws across his chest, ripping through his skin before fastening my teeth around his neck.

But my teeth don't do any damage before I'm thrown off him by equally sharp teeth, I fly into a nearby tree and am pinned before I know it. This time, the pressure is not relaxed, claws sinking into my skin.

I struggle to catch my breath, snarling as the four guys pinning me shift. Their claws withdraw from my skin slowly, painfully, their grip only strengthening as their paws lengthen into hands.

Suddenly a sharp kick is delivered to my side, sending me skidding even with the hands pinning me down. I yelp in pain and shock, eyes on the black boots in front of me as they nudge my body, rolling me over so that my eyes meet black ones.

"That was not very nice" He spits, his voice dangerously low as he moves out of my sight. "So in return, I'm not going to be nice anymore"

My eyes roll as I try to track his movement, his whereabouts.

Then a glint of metal flashes and suddenly, a needle is buried in my neck. "We came prepared, Sweetheart." He whispers into my ear as he pushes it deeper into my skin.

I howl in pain as he pushes the plunger down, the contents forced into my bloodstream.

I physically feel the liquid as it spreads through my body, leaving a trail of fire behind it. The fire quickly expands, consuming my entire body. Then it explodes, a white inferno.

My sight is painted red as my bones react, snapping, breaking and shattering before they reform. The experience is excruciating, a recreation of my very first shift. But this time it's ten times worse.

I have no control over my own body, lost in a sea of red. The only sign that I'm conscious being the sounds of foliage crackling underneath my writhing figure.

The pain seems to go on forever, intensifying when I expect it to dull, returning when I expect it to leave.

Suddenly my senses are blinded with pain, my body caught between wolf and human before the final bones snap into place.

The pain withdraws in response and with it, so does the red screen and the paralysis.

It continues as I lay on the ground, exposed under the unwelcome hands pinning me. I shake in my own skin, attempting to curl into myself, protect myself. But they don't even allow that.

So I just scream, the sounds eventually subsiding into whimpers and then silence. Tears tracking silently down my cheeks.

"Lift her in"

I feel my body leave the ground and realise then that my eyes are closed.

But I just squeeze them tighter.


Thoughts on this chapter? I have to tell you, it was not nice to write. Anyway, feedback is welcome and wanted as always! Thanks for reading!

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