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Catras Pov
My name is Catra Weaver I am 16 years old and go to Brightmoon academy in New York. I was adopted when I was 2 by this very "nice" lady named Shadow Weaver. I learned Shadow Weaver decided that her favourite hobby was going to be making my life hell from a earlier age. Other than that I'm you're average 16 year old girl,I have crushes,I do well in school,I have friends. But,there's one little thing that happened to me 3 years ago that changed all of that. It was a normal day for me go to school,come home and do homework,then go to my secret graffiti spot. I was just minding my own business when I felt a sharp pain on my hand. I looked down to see this weird looking spider with a blue glow and number on it. I didn't pay to much attention to that and smacked the spider right off my hand. Ever since that day things started to...change. Not in the weird puberty way in a different way. I started to notice that PE and workouts started to become a lot easier and I felt super strong. I also noticed that things started sticking to my hands and feet. I slowly started to learn how to control the stick and my strength . I started using these new found powers for good. One day I saw this poor girl getting mugged in a alley ,and I don't know what came over me but I went over there and started beating up the guy. Helping one person went to helping a couple people went to becoming a superhero. There's also another person just like me about a year after I got my powers I met her and ever since we've been partners and the protectors of the city.I still remember how I met her , Scorps filled me in on a near by crime and I found three guys surrounding a girl trying to assault her I took them down with ease and started helping the girl up. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see a girl who was wearing a coustume just like mine. I felt my spider senses go off and I slowly made a realisation ,"You're like me". I consider her one of my best friends now even though I don't know who she really is since we decided to keep our identities private.

The only people in my life who know about my big secret are my best friends Entrapta and Scorpia. Scorpia found out when she was waiting at my house a 3 years ago and saw me sneak in threw the window and started crawling on the ceiling. She's been my guy in the chair ever since that day,when I'm out and about in the city she covers for me and fills me in on crimes around my area. Entraptas known for 3 years she's actually the one who made my suit. She pretty much always knew but she said what really made her sure was when she saw me tinkering with my first prototype web shooters. At first I was terrified that she knew cause she can't keep a secret that well ,but surprisingly she hasn't told or let anything slip to a single person. Entrapta is now my lab partner and tech master. She makes suit repairs and new gadgets for me to test out. Entrapta,Scorpia,and I are now the "Super pal trio" and I wouldn't want it any other way. I may not act like it but I love my friends and I'm so grateful for them.

Adoras Pov
My name is Adora Carrero I'm 17 years old and go to Brightmoon academy in New York. I was adopted by my Mother Angella when I was around 2 and a half years old. After getting adopted I met my two best friends Bow and Glimmer. From a very early age we were inseparable. We would play outside almost 24/7,play pranks on Kyle at school,and do you know whatever. I had a nice normal life ,but then that all changed 2 and a half years ago. It was a normal day for me go to school,stare at my crush Catra,think about Catra,go home, think about Catra some more,then go on my nightly run. I used to never run at night but ever since a couple months ago I felt safer knowing that there was this mysterious hero out there protecting people. I was running for quite sometime when I took a break for water. I then suddenly felt a sharp pain on my ankle. I looked down and saw this spider with a weird blue glow and a number. I started shaking my leg to get it off of me then started heading back home. I got home then went to sleep not knowing how much my life was gonna change after that day. The next morning I woke up noticing my phone was stuck in my hand .' That's weird'I thought before shaking my hand trying to get it to fall off. No matter how hard I shook my hand it wouldn't come off. It took a while but my phone slowly started coming off. I decided not to stress about it and went to the gym. I was doing my normal weight but it felt really light .'Thats odd' I thought. More stuff like this started happening when I realised I'm showing signs of the same powers as the mysterious hero. I started doing research on the hero and learned people call her "Spider-Girl" because of her webs,strength,and athleticism. After researching and thinking I decided to tell someone about this.

The day I told my best friends about what was happening they were both shocked. Bow kept asking questions about my powers which I couldn't really answer not knowing all that well myself. Glimmer kept gushing about how I could meet Spider-girl which she might have a little crush on. Bows always been good with technology so I asked him if he could help me by maybe making a suit and web shooters. He agreed and after a month he gave me my suit and webs and told me how to use them properly. Glimmers been my cover and guy in the chair by informing me on crimes in the area. At first it was hard to help people and control my powers but over time it got easier. I had my powers for about 6 months when I finally met Spider- Girl. Glimmer told me about a crime near by and I started heading there just to find her helping the girl who needed help up. I walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and looked shocked at least I think she did it's hard to tell when only the eyes on her mask move then she said ,"You're like me." Since that day we've been Partners in Crime our I guess de-crime since we're the good guys. My life couldn't get any better I have great friends and these great powers although they do come with great responsibility,but I wouldn't change it for the world I love being Spider-girl and I love helping people.

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