Chapter 20

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Scarborough Castle, Scarborough, North Riding of Yorkshire

From where she was stood on the ramparts, Roana had Allan directly in her sights, almost straight ahead of her on the gallows in the bailey. To her right, further along the wall-walk, Much and Djaq were posing as guards, dressed in uniforms left for them by Gisborne. To her left, Robin patrolled the wall-walk along the left-hand side of the bailey, disguised as a leper in a long cloak and a wrap that covered the majority of his face. Will and Little John were down below, hidden amongst the jeering crowd in their friars robes.
It couldn't fail. There was ample opportunity to rescue Allan, and Roana was confident that it would happen. But she couldn't diminish the cold sweep of fear that passed through her as she watched the executioner place the noose around Allan's neck. It would take one sharp snap of the rope to break his neck and kill him. It didn't happen all the time; sometimes, a man could dangle for minutes before the rope strangled him to death. Other times, the suddenness of the drop could snap the neck like a twig, killing them instantly.
This fact alone chilled Roana to the bone, and she readied herself now, nocking her arrow and aiming straight towards the rope above Allan's head. The rain pelted down on her hooded head, drenching her cloak and moulding the heavy material to her body. But she ignored it and focused on Allan. He caught her eye, and, even from this distance, she could see the fear in his gaze, and attempted to communicate with him across the space that divided them. She would rescue him. And, if she failed, Robin wouldn't.
She prepared to let her arrow fly, the drums echoing the beat of her heart, when, suddenly, there came a shout that echoed across the bailey. The proceedings came to a halt as everybody turned to stare at the raised platform where the nobility sat. Lowering her bow very slightly, Roana watched in amazement as the Countess of Scarborough stood up from her chair, her face stricken as she looked across at Allan. It was she who had called out to stop the hanging, and Devereux, Vaisey, and Prince John looked on in baffled astonishment as she left the platform and forged her way through the crowd of peasants, heading for the gallows.
Roana glanced over at Robin and he pulled his face covering down very slightly to show the puzzlement on his face. Looking back towards the gallows, she saw the shock and recognition on Allan's face as Dulcina stood before him, and a feeling of dread swept through her stomach. They knew each other?
Down in the bailey, Will and Little John raised bewildered faces to Robin as Dulcina pulled Allan from the gallows. After a short and heated conversation with two guards, they were both escorted through the stunned crowd towards the castle keep, with Dulcina gripping Allan's arm, tightly. There came restless shouts and catcalls as the disappointed peasants realised the hanging would not be taking place, and guards began to move into the melee to calm them down. Prince John and Vaisey were on their feet on the raised platform, angrily conversing with Devereux, who appeared to be as baffled as everybody else.
Seeing that Allan was safe for the time being, Robin gave the indication to stand down, and the gang began to make their way in the direction of the postern door. Burne was waiting for them, a look of shock in his eyes.
"What's happening?" Robin asked him.
"Nobody seems to know," Burne replied, his tone candid. "But I'll find out. Wait outside the door for me and I'll come back as soon as I can."
He disappeared into the throng, and Roana and Robin exchanged glances before hurrying through the postern door out onto the cliff. The sea was a blanket of grey, churning in the wind, while the rain came down harder, blown into their faces by the gales. Turning their backs to the onslaught, they huddled together.
"What is going on?" Much said in outrage. "Who is that woman?"
"That's Dulcina," Roana said. "She's Devereux's wife, known as the Ice Queen. She's quite feared in Yorkshire."
"But what does she want with Allan?" Djaq asked, her voice small and perplexed.
"That's what I want to know," Roana answered, grimly.
Will looked at Robin. "She's not... he's not..."
Robin shrugged, helplessly. "I have no idea." He looked at Roana, apologetically. "Allan has a chequered past with the women. Chances are, they've met before." Roana's face fell imperceptibly, and he held up his hands in supplication. "I could be completely wrong, though. I just don't know, Roana. Let's wait to find out before we jump to any conclusions."
"But she's old," Roana muttered, miserably, unable to forget Dulcina's cool beauty and regal stance.
"That's never stopped Allan before," Much said in amusement, and earned himself a number of dark looks.
"Much, shut up!" Djaq said, irritably.
"Well, it's true!" he replied, indignantly, before noticing Roana's dejected expression. He backtracked, quickly. "Of course, I could be wrong. She might just like to... to torture her victims before she hangs them. I don't know."
"Much!" Little John gave a muffled roar, and he instantly fell silent.
Robin looked at Roana and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. He didn't hang. That's the main thing."
Roana nodded in agreement. The postern door opened and Burne came out amidst a clamour of sound from the angry crowd within. The gang clustered around him.
"What's going on?" Will said, quickly.
Burne shrugged and shook his head. "Nobody seems to know. But the Countess knew Allan's name, and she ordered the guards to escort them both to her private rooms. So, he's safe for the time being. Which is a good thing, right?"
He looked around at the group, who were still wearing expressions in varying degrees of bemusement, before his gaze rested on Robin. "Come back this evening. I'll have an update for you then."
Robin nodded and looked to Roana, who mirrored his gesture. "As long as he is safe," she said, all trace of downheartedness squirrelled away as she rallied, determined to remain strong for Allan. "We'll get him back eventually."

"So, what do I call you, then? Countess? Dulcina? Daisy? Mother? I mean, who exactly are you these days?"
Dulcina couldn't remember Allan ever having been so awkward. But, then again, a great deal had changed in the eighteen years since they had last laid eyes on each other. She knew that she had changed in that time, and it didn't take a genius to realise that Allan had experienced similar struggles throughout his life that had coloured his own outlook. He wasn't a nine year-old boy anymore, and it was no secret that he resented her for leaving him and Tom all those years ago.
"You can call me whatever you want, son," she replied in a soothing voice, hoping to pacify him.
He raised his eyebrows and curled his lip in an approximation of a humourless smile, and she sighed.
She wasn't too sure what she had expected. To sweep back into his life as if nothing had happened in the interim? To step back into her role as mother, a role she had abandoned so many years before? She understood his anger, and she would spend a lifetime making it up to him, if she could. But, at that moment in time, they didn't have a lifetime, and she was receiving pressure from all angles for her actions in the bailey - sullenness from Allan, who could at least show a little gratefulness; anger from Prince John and Vaisey, who both wanted a hanging and were furious at her interception; and disbelief and worry from Devereux, who wanted to do the best by her, but also by the prince, too. It didn't change the fact that she had had to rescue her son, no matter what anybody else thought.
She turned back to Allan, summoning together all of her Ice Queen reserve. "Look. Allan. I've explained everything that happened back then. I've told you why I had to leave, what your father told me, and everything he did to me. Leaving you boys is something I'll regret for the rest of my life, and I'm truly devastated about Tom. But, please - let me make it up to you now that I'm able. Please understand that I want to help you. But you have to meet me halfway." She levelled him in her blue gaze, eyes identical to his own. "Lose the attitude. And a little thank you for saving your life wouldn't go amiss."
Allan looked shocked at her outburst, and lowered his gaze like a recalcitrant child. "Sorry, Ma," he mumbled, reminding her so much of his younger self that she forgave him instantly.
She crossed to him and placed her hand on his forearm, consolingly, smiling at him as he glanced up at her.
"What's going to happen to me?" he said, worry creeping into his tone. "When can I get out of here?"
"Nothing is going to happen to you, but you can't leave just yet. We need to pacify Prince John, first." She raised her eyebrows, injecting lightheartedness into her voice. "Besides, where will you go if you do leave here?"
He shrugged. "To my friends. They were here earlier, ready to rescue me."
Dulcina dropped her hand. "They were in the castle grounds?"
Allan nodded, guilelessly. "Yeah. But then you came along and ruined the plan."
"Oh," Dulcina said, deflated.
"I'm not being funny but I'd be long gone by now if it wasn't for you," Allan continued, brutally honest and unthinking. "But, you know.." He trailed off as he noticed the expression on Dulcina's face. "I appreciate what you did for me, Ma. I really do. But I miss my friends, and my woman."
Dulcina's face lit up, and she sat down opposite him again. "You have a woman?"
Allan smiled genuinely for the first time since they had reunited. "Awwww, Ma, yes. You should see her. She's gorgeous, and she's feisty, and she's a whiz with a bow and arrow. You'd love her." He looked at Dulcina and a puzzled expression crossed briefly over his face. "Well, old you would love her. I don't know about new you. I mean, your husband was going to hang me, and you were going to watch."
Dulcina waved her hand, dismissively. "Oh, ignore that. Hanging outlaws has become something of a hobby for Pierre, thanks to the prince. All in a day's work, I'm afraid, and it's expected of me to go along with it. But I'm still old me as well as new me." She cupped her chin and gazed at him in fascination. "Tell me about her. What's her name?"
Allan settled down and poured himself some more wine. "Well, she's called Roana and I met her through a good friend of mine, Robin. She's his younger sister, and—"
"Wait!" Dulcina raised a hand to stop him. "Roana of Filey?"
Allan nodded, enthusiastically. "Yes! Do you know her?"
"Of course I do," Dulcina replied, her eyes wide. "Good choice, Allan. She is very lovely." She gasped and clutched his arm, startling him. "She left William for you?"
Allan grinned and shrugged, modestly, although his expression said anything but.
Dulcina laughed, delightedly. "Serves that idiot right. He doesn't deserve a woman, the fool."
Allan nodded in agreement. "I know! What is it with him? He's an absolute.."
"He's your brother, now," Dulcina interrupted, teasingly, hiding a smile as Allan's face dropped. "Well, your step-brother, anyway. Lucky you, eh? You've rediscovered your mother and gained a brother."
"Jesus Christ," Allan said, woefully, and placed his head in his hands. "That's the worst news ever. I think I've changed my mind about the hanging."
Dulcina laughed, heartily, and ruffled his hair with affection, before standing up. "Come on, my love. There is a bath ready for you in my chambers, and my maid has brought you a change of clothes. Afterwards, you can tell me all about Roana. I'm intrigued and overjoyed for you."
Obediently, Allan stood to follow her. "Where will you go?"
Dulcina looked at him. "I'm going to organise your escape from the castle, so I can get you back to your woman."

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