Chapter 39

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Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire

Allan couldn't relax. He had been pacing the camp for an inordinate amount of time, ever since Robin and Much had left to pay Sir Edward a visit at the secret village of Second Chance. Robin intended to update the former Sheriff on the plight of Marian before the outlaws left for Portsmouth.
Allan had been furious at the decision. Although the rational part of his mind understood that Edward was worried about his daughter and would appreciate any news on her well-being, Allan was struggling to control his emotional responses, and his overriding concern was for Roana. He didn't want to wait around. He wanted to be out there, on the road to Portsmouth, on the way to rescue her.
He sighed and ran a hand over his chestnut hair. He couldn't remember ever having felt so antsy, and worried, and impatient, and melancholy, all at once. He knew he was acting out of character, and probably annoying the other members of the gang, but he couldn't help himself. Fear for Roana's welfare was more consuming than anything he had ever experienced before, even more so than when his mother had disappeared all those years ago. Back then, he hadn't known what was going on, whereas now, he knew exactly what the Sheriff and Bridlington were capable of, and he couldn't place his trust in Gisborne to ensure the girls were kept entirely safe. The black knight, or former black knight, or whatever he was, didn't seem to hold any sway in the castle these days, and was almost certainly living on borrowed time. As were Roana, Marian, and Alice. Allan was under no illusions about the Sheriff's end game. He would kill them all if the gang didn't rescue them as soon as possible.
Taking a deep breath, Allan sat down on the edge of the nearest bed and tried to calm himself, leaning his elbows on his knees and rubbing his hands over his face. Brother Tuck, pausing for a mouthful of ale after helping Djaq and Little John prepare the horses for the journey ahead, spotted him and came over.
"May I join you?" He indicated the empty space beside Allan.
Allan shrugged and gestured to the seat, indifferently. "If you like. But I must warn you, I'm not in the mood for a sermon."
Tuck laughed as he sat down, careful to leave a spare between himself and Allan. "I'm not one for preaching, my friend. But I am a very good listener."
"I'm not being funny but I don't have much to say right now," Allan replied in a prickly tone, which Tuck chose to ignore.
"Djaq has been telling me about Roana. She sounds like quite a girl. I'm looking forward to meeting her very soon."
Allan paused and looked at the floor between his feet, suddenly immersed in a warm feeling that lightened his heart, despite himself. He turned his head to scrutinise Tuck before focusing on the mug of ale in his hand. He straightened. "Are you sharing that ale or what?"
Tuck smiled and handed him the mug, watching as Allan took a long draught. "Djaq says you love this Roana. She says it has made you a better person."
Allan shrugged again, handing back the mug and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Maybe she has. I know that being with her makes me want to be a better person." He paused for a few beats, and then continued. "She has this way about her... I can't really explain it. It's incredible. There's just something special about her. I've never met a woman like her. I admit, I've not been the best behaved person over the years. But that feels like a different me, someone who doesn't exist anymore. So I guess I have changed, for her. She's like Robin. People look up to her, she's courageous and determined. And she's beautiful, you know?"
He looked at Tuck for confirmation, a smile on his face, and then stopped dead in realisation. "What just happened?"
Tuck grinned at him. "You had more to say that you initially thought."
Suspicion crossed Allan's face. "You fooled me."
"No, no, no." Tuck shook his head, adamantly. "I merely encouraged you to speak your heart. You know," he held the mug out again, "it is fine to worry about the people we love, but we also need to remain strong for them in their times of need. And the best way to do that is by keeping our minds healthy and positive, and our hearts open to support from others." He raised his eyebrows. "Your friends want to be there for you. Don't push them away."
Allan stared at Tuck for a moment, and then snatched the mug from him. "I thought you said you didn't preach," he grumbled, but there was the hint of a smile on his face as he drained the mug.
"Allan, you ready?" Will called, entering the camp to collect his axes and bow. "Robin's back and we're ready to close up the camp."
Tuck placed a hand on Allan's shoulder. "Let's go and rescue your woman."

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