Chapter 30

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Nottingham Castle, Nottinghamshire

Guy of Gisborne was nervous. In fact, he was downright terrified, but he hid it well. He had set an important task for himself that day, and was determined to achieve it. He had made a promise to Alice; in fact, he had made a promise to himself to turn his life around for the woman he loved. To leave his nefarious dealings, and the brutality he inflicted on others by order of the Sheriff, far behind him.
He felt mildly ashamed at himself for having been Vaisey's lackey for this long. He had been so intent on the pursuit of power and money and recognition that he had lost sight of his real goal in life. Now, the only recognition he needed was the look of adoration in Alice's eyes when she looked at him. The only riches he needed were her love, and her commitment to him. He could deal with anything if he had her by his side, and it was because of this that he had made the decision to put his past behind him, and concentrate on a future free of tyranny.
He did not intend to turn his back on Nottingham entirely. As Earl of Huntingdon, he was happy to oversee his domain, but he would take a step back from his duties as Master-at-Arms. He had even tentatively begun to look around for his replacement, and had met with a couple of ideal candidates.
However, Vaisey needed to be informed of his resignation first of all, and Guy couldn't imagine the news going down too well. The Sheriff did rely very heavily on Guy, but that didn't mean somebody else couldn't do the job just as effectively. Guy was fully prepared to train them up, and do whatever he could to make the transition as easy and as painless as possible for everyone concerned. But it had to happen.
Prince John had left Nottingham for London earlier that afternoon, and the Sheriff had requested Guy's presence in the garrison to run through his plans to ensnare Hood, and rid himself of the outlaw and Marian once and for all. Guy could not assist him in his plans. Although he did not care for Hood, he knew that Alice did, and therefore, the outlaw's fate was something he had to consider.
As for Marian, Guy had loved her for so long, and, even though he no longer did in the same way, he cared for and admired her immensely. News of her betrothal to Hood had stunned and dismayed him a little, but she deserved happiness, and if it was with Hood, then so be it. Deep down, Guy had always known there was an unbreakable bond between Marian and the former Lord of Locksley, even though he had tried hard to dismiss it. It no longer mattered to him since he had met Alice, but he may very well lose her if he allowed the Sheriff's plans to go ahead. He couldn't risk that. She was the only person he had ever met who truly understood him, without awkward explanation. She was the only person who accepted him for who he was, warts and all, and that was all he had ever wanted. If keeping her happy meant rescuing a man he despised, then Guy was more than prepared to put his pride aside and do just that.
Reaching the garrison, he ducked inside and glanced about, but it was empty. Exiting again, he almost bumped straight into the Sheriff, who had clearly been following him closely on the walk down. Guy started in surprise.
"Gisborne." Vaisey gave a wide, rictus grin, amused at himself, and Guy tried his best to discreetly roll his eyes. The Sheriff's sense of humour was far too dry and sarcastic for his liking, and the jokes often passed him by. He wasn't sure how someone who revelled in his own evil actions on a daily basis could find so much humour throughout his day. The exercise of despotism, in Guy's mind, was no laughing matter, but Vaisey seemed to think it was.
Still, the Sheriff was in a good mood, which boded well for Guy and the news he was about to impart.
"My lord, can I have a word?"
"Leather. There's a word." The Sheriff plucked at Guy's sleeve. "Do you ever change your clothes, Gisborne? Or will we have to chisel you out of this at the end of the month?"
He chuckled to himself, and Guy stared at him, his expression deadpan.
"I have five of these. So yes, I do change them. Quite frequently, in fact."
"Ah, so your good lady has had an influence on you." Vaisey smirked to himself, then looked sharply at his companion as if it were Guy who had been holding up the conversation. "Well, come on then. Out with it. We have work to do."
"Yes, of course, my lord." In the face of Vaisey's impatience, Guy faltered, but then thought of Alice's face, and ploughed on. "I have decided to resign from my position as Master-at-Arms, and therefore, will also be stepping down from the black knights. I would like to fully take up my role as Earl of Huntingdon, and settle down to start a family."
For a brief moment, the Sheriff looked mildly shocked, but was able to school his features quickly. He regarded Guy, speculatively. "Oh, really? You want to become a family man, do you?"
"Yes, my lord. I do," Guy replied, humbly. "But I won't leave the castle straight away. I'm fully prepared to help you recruit my replacement, and train them up effectively."
"Oh, you are, are you?" The Sheriff's tone was indecipherable, but, after his initial shock, he didn't seem too concerned. However, he did pause, still staring at Guy closely, his mind clearly a whir of activity. Then, he seemed to come to a decision in his mind. "Very well, Gisborne. If that is what you want. But I will require a month's notice. In that time, you will have to find your replacement, and a replacement for the black knights. Prince John was expecting a lot from you, after all. I'm not sure how he will take the news, but we will deal with that when we come to it. Now, shall we get to work?"
The subject closed, Guy followed him into the garrison, his shoulders sagging a little in relief. The Sheriff seemed to have taken it extremely well, better than expected.
Guy couldn't wait to tell Alice the good news. His hand went automatically to the money pouch at his belt. Inside, nestled in a linen cloth, lay the beautiful engagement ring that he had collected from the goldsmith in Nottingham town earlier that day. It was a gold band set with an emerald that would match the green of her eyes, surrounded by a circle of small diamonds. He intended to propose to Alice that very evening. Now that his conversation with Vaisey was out of the way, they could begin making plans for their future together.

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