Imagine 3

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* After the doctors appointment all you wanted to do was go home. Chris tried to convince you to go out and eat but you just couldn't *

Chris - If you go home what are you gonna do?

YN - sleep and sleep and just sleep

Chris - *laughs* your crazy

YN - I don't want no one bothering me at all, I just need to relax babe

Chris - I understand. I'll be at the studio since I won't do anything at home

* Chris dropped you home and gave you a kiss and left. You went straight to bed *

YN - Ohhh im so tired! *Once you put the blanket over your head you were dead sleep*

*Chris at the studio*

Chris - Wassup guys?

Team - Breezy! How are you?

Chris - Great. How's everything coming?

Team - Real great. You have some mail, in the back.

Chris - Oh iigh *goes and grabs the mail and opens* It came!

Team - What is it?

Chris - My engagment ring to YN.

Team - Big steps hey? How is she doing?

Chris - We just got back from the doctors, she needed rest so I dropped her home. Good news tho, she's pregnant.

*All of his boys start fist pounding him and cheering*

Chris - Yea I talked to her father about marrying her and he said yes without any questions. I can't wait. I need to marry her before this baby comes you know?

*Phone rings*

Chris - Hello?

?? - Hello? Yes. Christopher Maurice Brown?

Chris - Yea that's me? May I ask who i'm talking to?

Cops - You need to come down to your house quick, I believe your girlfriend has done something to herself.

Chris - Wait what? *hurrys out the door to his car*

Team - Chris is everything fine?

Chris - I don't think so. I think YN killed herself...

:: To Be Continued ::

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