Chris Brown & YN Imagines Part 10

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*Okay so I'm writing everyday so it looks like the process to the wedding day, anyways enjoy*
( 3 Days Later )

(alarm rings! It's your ultrasound. You wouldn't wake up but bae did)

Chris: (opens his eyes to see it's 10:30) bae? bae?

YN: (cover your head with the blanket)

Chris: iight stay asleep, I'll go wash up

*10 minutes later, it's now 10:40*

Chris: YN wake up, your gonna miss your appointment

YN: (open your eyes, while Chris is just sitting there staring at you) Goodmorning (you get up and hug Chris)

Chris: morning beauty, I can see you slept well (laughs)

YN: yea I did! You got the best cuddling techniques!

Chris: (winks) you wanna go get some breakfast and then to your appointment?

YN: yea sure, I'll go wash up

Chris: okay, I'll be downstairs

*10 minutes later*

YN: let me just put on a sweater and leggings

Chris: your belly ain't wen that big yet, looks like you just had a feast

YN: babe , I'm only 18 days ..

Chris: oh so that's how it works

YN: (laughs) let's go

*You guys arrive just on time and get called in*

Doctor: hello YN

YN: hello

Doctor: so let's take a look, Chris you excited

Chris: very haha , I just hope it's a boy

YN: well I want it to be a girl

Chris: hold up, Doc? Is it even easy to see yet?

Doctor: I'm a doctor right? And she's almost 20 days so yea, don't worry

Chris: ohhh iight iight do yo thang then

Doctor: *looking on the computer* well look there! You have a boy


YN: hehe *rolls her eyes*

Doctor: wait a minute.. I see something else

YN & Chris: something else?

Doctor: you got a little girl on your left side of your belly

YN: *smiles hard* omg

Chris: twins? Wow .... I actually put in work


Doctor: well it's done now! Now were not sure if the twins are boys or girls or both! So come back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound

YN: okay! Thankyou so much!

Chris: Thankyou so much! Have a great day

Doctor: you too bye!

(later that afternoon while you guys were in the car, Chris decides to stop at a gas station, when Chris goes in to pay, his phone rings... It said *Private Caller* You pick it up)

YN: hello?

??: YN, I know Chris got you pregnant! But your ass don't know he got another girl he dealing with. Stay away from Chris you little hoe or I'm killing you and that baby. Get it clear? Oh and I ain't no fake ass so my name is Sara.
*Hangs Up*

(Chris comes back)

Chris: the cashier was nice he gave me free chocolate! Want some?

YN; Chris ... Who's Sara?

Chris: .....


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