Where's My Happy Ending? --Part 2

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*You finally woke up from all of last night and decide to go make some coffee and wash up, you notice the flowers Chris left so not to be rude you put them in a vase with some water on the kitches table. After all the coffee drinking and catching up on your phone, you decide to go out and just have a nice little walk just to freshen up your mind*

YN - *takes a breath* smells like a brand new life *smiles* I've got no worries, just time to make myself happy. *Looks up the the sky* I love you God, I'll never dissapoint you. I promise.

Chris's POV

Chris - Maan, I miss YN. I did her soo wrong. It was my fault.. should of supported her you know. Im such a bad boyfriend, no kne deserves to be put throught shit like her, she was perfect. She was the one. *Phone call rings*

Chris - Hello?

Doctor - Yes, Christopher, Im going to need you and YN to come down to the Doctors office.

Chris - Ahhh. What for?

Doctor - It is shown that YN was actually having twins and still has a surviving baby in her

Chris - Oh.. that's nice

Doctor - Anything wrong? Mr.Brown

Chris - umm, no I guess *sighs* you would have to call YN about that because , we are not together anymore

Doctor - Oh I'm cery sorry to hear that

Chris - Yea ..


Doctor - Well, Im gonna go ahead and let YN know but I hope you sir have a good day

Chris - Thankyou, bye *quickly turns off the phone* oh my gosh *rubs his eyes* Can't believe this..

*YN gets the news and tells her friends, she's so excited to just finally become a mother*

YN - Yesssssss! Mom im pregant

Mom - Awe! That's my girl! Im so happy

YN - Im so excited mom omg!

Mom - Take care baby girl, mommy is proud!

YN - Love you! Tell Dad!

Mom - Sure will, love you too sweetie bye bye.

:: Skip to 4 Weeks::

*Your tummy looks way noticeable. You and your best guy friend decide to go look for baby stuff just to get used to it. Remeber he's in a relationship you guys are just close family friends*

Adam - Oh, this one is cute

YN - I know, but only if I knew the baby gendre *both start laughing*

Adam - iight, let's just buy toys

YN - Agreed

*You turn around and see someone you have never seen for weeks and he's looking straight at you. It was Chris*

YN - *looks away*

Adam - What's wrong? *turns around and see's Chris* who's that?

YN - *whisphere's* my ex

Adam - Is he the father of your *points at your belly*

YN - *nods*

Adam - Well he looks nice, probs thinks im your new man *laughs*

YN - *mocks him* come on let's buy the things and leave, Im tired anyways!

*You guys continue shopping and Chris just looks really sad! Come on YN TAKE HIM BACK!!!*


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