Where's My Happy Ending? -- Part 3

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*Im gonna skip to 8 Months so Im closer to the conclusion of this story*

*8 Months Pregnant! You are having a great pregnancy and loving it as always, getting more and more happier to the day your baby is born*

Chris - Yo stop

Casey - Okay, babe what's your problem?

Chris - Nothing, Im just not feeling nothing no more.. Between us

Casey - We've been together for 6 months. What do you mean?

Chris - *looks at her* I still got feelings for YN. Especially cause she's carrying my son. You need to understand *stands up*

Casey - Oh so you still like that dumb bitch who killed your fucking baby, you still want her Chris? *throws his phone at him*

Chris - *yells* Casey what the hell? Your so fucking crazy. It's not my fault, I still love her cause she actually made me feel like a good person and to be honest with you, your just there.

Casey - okay, okay *nods her head* You want YN right? Not anymore nigga, Im not afraid to juke a bitch who's pregnant. *goes into the washroom, comes out grabs the car keys and leaves*

Chris - Yo casey your fucking crazy *runs after her. Grabs her hand*

Casey - Listen Chris if you wanna leave it's gonna be hard cause if I wanna kill myself, I'll fucking kill You. *yells* IIGHT??

*They argue for 20 minutes straight*

:: Back at YN's place ::

*Your putting the finishing touches for the baby room before the delievery is near. You have never been so happy in your life*

YN - Yea I think black and white is alright, don't matter what gender. *You look in a drawer and found a picture of you and Chris right when you went on your first date. Your just staring and smilling you know wishing he was here* Wow I miss him soo much.

*As your admiring Chris you get a knock on the door. Open it up and it's Casey. Well you don't know who she is actually so your confused*

YN - umm are you looking for someone?

Casey - *laughs* You must be that bitch that Chris got pregnant? Ha well it's obvious *looks at your stomach* you could blow in any minute.

YN - *Smiles* and who are you exactly? I'm sorry didn't catch your name trick

Casey - Yo im not the one to be called a trick, your a slut, a hoe, a fucking ugly ass bitch that doesn't even deserve a fucking baby oh and yes! I happen to be Chris's new girl.

YN - Well that's nice for you, I don't know what you want but what you can do is turn away and leave my house.

Casey - Make me?

YN - What are you gonna do? Beat me?

Casey - *reaches into her purse*

*YN looks scared as fuck*

Casey - *Pulls out her knife* Bitch I'll stab you as many times as long as that baby can't live anymore


*Hears yelling in the background*


*Chris comes through the door and you guys caught eyes*

Chris - YN! Come to me please

YN - *starts crying* Chris is this what your doing to me? We havent been in no type of relationship for 8 months

Chris - Babe just walk over to me please. Let me save you, I don't want you or my baby to get hurt. *yells* Please man just fucking come here

Casey - Babe! *yells* SEE IM SUPPOSE TO BE HIS FUCKING BABE NOT YOU BI(gets cut off)

Chris - *screams* CASEY STOP!


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