Chris Brown & YN Imagines Part 2

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Imagine 2:

~You come home late from work, happy to see Chris. You walk in and find him kissing one of your worst enemies. Robin aka : Rihanna~

YN: Excuse me ? Sorry for interrupting.

Chris: OH ! Honey , back so soon

YN: yup. So I guess you guys are having fun so cont(GCO)

Robin: Ah , I should go now , sorry about that YN , see you later Chris.

Chris: yea , ah see you later

(Robin leaves)

~Chris gets up and try's to explain everything~

Chris: Baby , I'm sor(GCO)

YN: Sorry for what ? For what Chris ? If you two are back together it's not that hard to tell me!

Chris: We were never back together and never will , your the only one I love.

YN: The only one you love ? (Laughs) I doubt it , you know Robin and I have a bad friendship , how are you gonna kiss her in my house ????? WHY ?

Chris: It just happened , we are just friends.

YN: Just a friend ? Are you saying just a friend ? Chris no this is the 3rd time happening and I'm an idiot for giving you another chance, I can't take this anymore , I'm done with you and your BS , I'm leaving and when I leave welcome Robin to live with you and have how much children you want. I don't care , I'm done!

Chris: What , you can't leave !

YN: Watch me , just watch.

~You run upstairs and grab everything and call up your best friend Angel to stay over at her condo and to come pick you up~

*20 minutes later*

Chris: Baby don't do this (grabbing your hand)

YN: Bye , I don't need you in my life.

~You finally leave and Chris bangs the door~

*2 Days later at Angels condo*

~ You and Angel are chilling watching TV and there's a knock on the door and Angel runs to get it~

Angel: (opens the door) oh! What a surprise.

Chris: Just please call YN for me?

Angel: Sure , but hey

Chris: Yes ?

Angel: Everything will be okay , trust me (smiles)

Chris: Thanks ! (Smiles back)

Angel: (yells) YN IT'S FOR YOU!

YN: (runs to the door) Who is i(looks) oh , hi.

Chris: Hey.

Angel: Okay , I'll go now (leaves)

YN: So you came ?

Chris: Come back home , I miss you (starts to tear up)

YN: (looks into his eyes) Chris , your crying!

Chris: Tears for you , Babe I miss you , what I did to you was wrong ! I talked it over with Robin and she agreed to leave me alone so I can be with you! I need you in my life. Without you I feel like the whole world is against me and that I can't seem to win , I need you back ! Please baby , come back ! Princess

YN: (starts to tear up) CHRIS! (Hugs him) Your everything I need

Chris: I love you YN and I hope you know that

YN: By what I heard ! Yes , and I love you too. I'm gonna come back home

Chris: I love you ! (Ends hug and looks into your eyes) Those eyes are what I need to see everyday , only yours no one else. (Kisses you)

~You guys kiss for a long time and Angel comes out~

Angel: Girl heat nation just won the ga(Looks at you guys) well look like your back ! And I'm still forever alone. whatever , it's cool

~You and Chris both end the kiss and look at Angel and laugh at her, after that you all went inside and finished watching the game~


~Okay so that was the 2nd one , tell me what you think tho , #TeamBreezy ~Nyahok <3 (:

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