Brand New Start Chapter 2

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Chris's POV - Im so fed up with all this bullshit, I just want my old life back.. my beautiful lady and my son. *looks at his phone* I'm so tempted to text her. I need to tell YN I miss her. I swear I only left cause I thought YN couldn't do this all by herself but Elijah is a okay now... without me. YN is such a strong women. How could I (grabs the phone and dials YN's number)

:: Phone ringing ::

YN - *unknown caller* unexpected? *picks it up* Hello..?

Chris - Is this.. YN?

YN - Yes. May I ask who I'm speaking too?

Chris - Don't worry, its me. Chris.

YN - *not even fond* oh hi.

Chris - Are you home?

YN - ah yea, why?

Chris - I'm coming over

YN - Look Chris I (gets cut off)

Chris - No YN please! I need to fix things.. so may I please come over??

YN - *sighs* yea sure.. i'll be here
*ends phone call*

Chris - *looks at his phone and locks it* damn, baby girl I miss you.

:: Chris get's up and heads to YN's place ::

* 20 minutes later *

- knock on the door -

YN - *opens the door, see's chris* come in.

Chris - Thanks *walks in and shuts the door behind him* where's Elijah?

YN - I dropped him off at my mom's, I needed some me time today. Do you want a drink?

Chris - Nah I'm fine thanks.

YN - Okay. Let's sit down *sits down* what's up? what's so important?

Chris - *sits down next to YN and looks down at the ground with his hands folded together* YN .. you know life and God together show you people who are either a lesson or a blessing, and I just want to let you know that you and our beautiful son are true blessings to me. *puts his head up and looks at you* I love you.

YN - Well I thi (gets cut off)

Chris - And I'm not saying it because I got you pregnant and you had my baby, I'm saying this because fuck all those other hoes I messed with. Knowing that I got you pregnant only makes me realize that you took it and you are a strong women and that's why Im able to see my son today. You never disconnected my son from me, I did and and (starts to tear up) hearing him say he "hated" me the other day got me, you know. *looks at you* How have you been? Because I'm pretty sure I miss the beautiful girl I met 5 years ago, who I never thought I would have true feelings for. *grabs your hand* my feelings for you never left babe.. they never did.

YN - *looks at you* Chris... this hurts me soo much *gets up and walks to the window* I just forced myself to hate you because you put me through too much. I still loved you tho.. having that baby boy was the best thing ever... Elijah was such a great blessing to both of us. This whole time we weren't together I was always wondering if you were truly mine or if I lost my best friend. *stays quiet*

Chris - *gets up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist* You are honestly the best friend anyone could ask for. I'm sorry for everything. I was fucked up in the moment. Seeing that baby boy just makes me want to start over. I wanna be back in your life and if you don't trust me, I'll definantly show you.

* You turn around face to face with Chris*

YN - *you kiss him* then show it..

Chris - *hugs you* I love you so much.. ever since

:: 3 hours later ::

YN's Mother - Elijah your mom is here! Get ready baby boy!

Elijah - yaaaaaay! *walks outside*

*Chris gets out of the car and walks to the front door*

YN's Mother - Oh well look at that! It's great to see you Chris

Chris - You too beautiful *kisses her cheek*

Elijah - Daddy?

Chris - *crouches down* Hey there little me.

Elijah - Are you just gonna leave again?

*Chris looks up at YN's mom and looks back at Elijah*

Chris - No. Daddy is staying forever now. You're mine and I need to take care of you just like mommy.

Elijah - *plays with Chris's gold chain* I love you daddy.

Chris - *tries not to cry* I love you too little buddy. Can you give me a hug?

Elijah - *jumps into his arms* wait. since your back now.... CAN WE GET PIZZA?

Chris - *laughs* Yes Elijah. Let's go get pizza *Chris gets up and Elijah runs to the car screaming*

YN's Mom - It's good to have you back. *hugs Chris*

Chris - Thanks ... Have a great day *hugs her back and walks to car chasing after Elijah*


- WAIT there's a twist. What is YN supposed to do when the "Sugar Daddy" she's been talking to finally want's to claim her? How is she gonna explain? What about Chris? Stay tuned.

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