Brand New Start Chapter 1

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- Im starting over with a new story but kind of a sequel from "Where is my Happy Ending" Enjoy lovelies!

YN's POV - Elijah! Hurry up! You need to get ready for preschool.

Elijah - Okay mommy! *runs upstairs and get's ready*.

- You and Chris seprated and haven't heard from eachother for 4 years! Your single and who knows what he got. It's hard being a single mother of a 4 year old son! You try not to think about Chris but you hide it so much that you actually miss him. Finally, Elijah is ready and you drop him off and go meet up with your friend Kiki.

* At the Cafe *

YN - Hey b!

Kiki - Hey beautiful! Elijah is in school?

YN - Yes! He's getting taller and taller everyday and looking more like Chris (laughs)

Kiki - He's gonna be a very handsome boy!

YN - Yea!

Kiki - sooo, have you talked to Chris?

YN - Girl! It's been 4 years

Kiki - Damn. (Looks at YN)

YN - (looks at Kiki) what?

Kiki - Be honest with me. Do you miss him?

YN - Yea. Idk, I wanna say I miss him but it's hard.

Kiki - Awwe, then talk to him

YN - How? I dont have his number nothing!

Kiki - But I mean when you do run into him its a good time to talk to him.

YN - Yea I (phone rings) excuse me one sec (picks up phone)

Preschool Teacher - Hello! Ms. (Your last name)?

YN - Yes! Is everything okay?

Preschool Teacher - Elijah is not feeling very well and puked really bad, he's really hott now and need's to see a doctor

YN - (jumps out her seat) Oh my! Im on my way!

Kiki - What's wrong?

YN - Elijah is sick! Im sorry b, I'll call you! Byee

Kiki - Okay girl! I hope he's okay (gives her a hug)

YN - (gives her a hug) thankyou! (And leaves)

---- At the Children's Hospital ----

Nurse - Elijah caught the flu but simple Antibiotics will help him dear

YN - Thankyou so much (hugs Elijah) Your gonna be okay babyboy.

Elijah - (looks at YN) Can we sit outside mommy?

YN - Yea sure

(you guys go sit outside and you noticed a tall man standing at the desk)

Elijah - Mommy what are you looking at?

YN - Stay here Elijah. (Walk over to the desk so you can get a closer glimpse but talk to the desk lady so that it looks like you went up for something) Sorry may I have the prescription for my son.

Desk Lady - What's his name hun?

YN - (clears her throat) Elijah... Maurice Brown.

(The boys next you turns and you look)

YN - Hi Chris

Chris - YN?

YN - Surprise hey.

Chris - I haven't seen you for so long! Where have you been?

YN - Taking care of our son (looks at Elijah)

Chris - (looks at Elijah)

YN - (looks at Chris) Why are you here

Chris - I wanted to check up on my girlfriend's sister.

YN - Oh (turns her face)

Chris - Yea... Hbu?

YN - Oh me? I've been single since we finished... (Walks to Elijah)

Chris - (walks behind her) Dang. ummm YN I need to talk to you.

YN - about?

Elijah - (looks at Chris)

Chris - Elijah. You look just like (gets cut off)

Elijah - just like you.. But I don't like you. You left me for so long! I know you hate me daddy.

Chris - No.. I don't hate you.. elijah I (looks at YN)

YN - (looks at Chris)


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