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Eithne's POV:

I groaned as I checked outside.

"Ah! I'm so frustrated !!!!!" I yelled, grabbing my hair.

"Woah! Okay, Eithne, take it easy girl" Evi said.


"I'LL JOIN YOU!" Deidara said, cheerfully.

"Don't blow up the den!" Lyel yelled from down the hallway.



I grew quiet and decided to calm down before she would do that.

"..." Silence continued throughout the den and then I heard a fart.

"Oh my god it stinks!" Alexis cried out as she clamped her hands over her nose.

"Alexis are you the one who farted?!"

"What?! No!''

"The one who smelt it, delt it!"

"-_- really?" Alexis sighed at us and rolled her eyes.

I smelled the air and it came from...Deidara. I went into rage mode.

Lyel's POV:

I stared at some plans and was studying a map that was identical to Christie's map. I put a marking of what Christie had put exactly in the spot she said something about Mya. I gritted my teeth as I thought for a while.

What the heck is she planning? If Mya's fear is that she won't be helpful then what will they do? There are so many possibilities.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Eithne yelling while sounds of things breaking were heard. The wolves, who were in the same place I was, perked up and growled. I glanced at Shadow and rose to my feet. Shadow glared at the door and I walked out. I entered the living room to find Alexis and Eithne, trying to kill Deidara. I sighed and facepalmed.

"Guys, shut up.." I groaned.

They glanced up but continued attempting to kill Deidara. I growled and whacked them over the head with a stick, knocking them both out,"Baka's"

Deidara sighed with relief,"Thank-"

"What the hell did you do?" I snapped.

Deidara paled when his blue eyes met my light brown one's. He gulped and stuttered,"Kinda sorta farted"

You have got to be kidding. That was the reason they attacked him? Seriously? I know Alexis would use any excuse to kill Deidara but Eithne?! The literally heck!

"...Your coming with me" I grabbed his wrist and pulled him with me.

"W-why, un?" Deidara asked, his face filled with confusion and suprise.

"Can't have you dying on me yet" I rolled my eyes and dragged him inside the room I was in.

I sighed and sat down, staring at the map. The hell are they thinking? Are they going to kill Mya? Will they kill the wolves in front of her and make her helpless? what are those bastards gonna do ne-

" did you get Explosion, Hm?" Deidara asked, breaking the silence I had barely realized was there.

I glanced from the map and Deidara was sitting next to me on the sofa. I rubbed the back of my neck and sighed.

"I got him when I saved him from an explosion. Which hence created his name and also the colors of his fur" I groaned.

Deidara went silent then nodded. Well this just more awkward than it was before. I coughed and went back to studying the map. Deidara looked over my shoulder and got lazy, putting his head on my shoulder as he looked at the map, "What are you doing, un?"

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