Why? Why does this happen?

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Lyel's POV:

I was shaking for no apparent reason. I had bit my lip as I attempted to control myself. I cried out for my father and mother but their help never came. I felt alone like on the same day they were killed. I remember this clearly and I winced slightly feeling a sudden weakness in my bones.

Alexis's POV:

I stared at the ground as I remembered the actions of my brother as he murdered my parents. He acted like he didn't do anything but he did. I clenched my fists not forgetting. I will never forgive him for what he did. Never in my life, I will kill him before he did anything.

Eithne's POV:

I started sobbing in my room as today was the day my parents had fallen in a large pool of Crimson colored blood. I clenched my shirt and let out a cry of despair and mourning. Hot tears filled my eyes and they fell one by one. But why? Why would they do this?

Evi's POV:

In rage, I threw my forks at my target practice painting. I missed but I could care less for the anguish I hide. That we all do. The memories of the past haunt us...the horror that we went through and the same horror wants to ruin our lives over and over again.

Mya's POV:

I shook while watching T.V. The character's mother was kissing his forehead and he batted her away. I glared at him. He doesn't know how lucky he is to have a mom. To have someone to hug him and care for him when he is sick. He has a place to go when he is sad. Tears fell down and quiet sobs escaped from me.

Itachi's POV:

I walked around the hall and heard some sobs coming from the rooms. I went to knock at one of their doors but hesitated. I sighed and walked away. What was the reason that some of them were crying and others were completely silent. I saw a pair of eyes staring at me from the shadows before they disappeared. I raised my eyebrow and investigated it for a while before just letting myself give up and I went to my room and jumped on the bed, welcoming the sleep I had suddenly hit me.

Konan's POV:

I was currently dying Pein's hair pink just for the fun of it while he was sleeping. I'm sure he wouldn't hurt me...right? I paused then laughed, knowing he wouldn't. I went on the computer and looked up designs to put on his hair until a hand caught my wrist and his eyes met mine. I gulped and ran for it. Pein's shout came a few seconds after I had retreated from the room.

Kisame's POV:

I was in a lake in the woods and I enjoyed the feeling of the water. I let my head go halfway under water and I let out a sigh of satisfaction. I heard some footsteps and saw Light was there. She blinked before sitting down and watching the sun fade away. I watched as well, taking in the silence that we had made.

Kakazu's POV:

I was arguing with Hidan before we heard sobs coming from Eithne's room. We looked at each other slightly confused, completely confused about why she was crying. Her sobs became louder until we went out of the room and knocked on her door. She answered and tears were still in her eyes. She said nothing as she looked at us for a moment before breaking down again. I felt slightly uncomfortable at the situation and just waited for her to cry it over as I rubbed her back. Hidan stayed silent for once as Leslie continued crying .

Sasori's POV:

I knocked on Lyel's door to ask her a question but she never answered. I rolled my eyes and opened the door to see her on the floor, sleeping. I was about to leave her until I noticed the tears leaking from her closed eyes and a small expression of pain, anguish, and loneliness. I may not have a physical body but I know how everyone of them felt when I waited for my parents, who were dead, to come home. Deidara walked in and noticed Lyel as well and we gave each other a look before exiting the room and closing the door behind us.



Sasori: exactly your short!

Shut it, Sasori-kun!

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