The war starts now!

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Christie's POV:

I hid in the treeline and glared at my old house. Josh was with me, a look of anger on his face. I gripped his shoulder and he sighed, relaxing. I got my dagger and sent Shapeshifter to the front door. He transformed into a human and put in a baseball cap. His tail had disappeared and he started walking to the front door. He knocked and waited patiently.

Mya's POV:

We were eating lunch and chatting until we heard a knock on the door. I got up and answered the door,"yes...woah"

A boy with light purple eyes and blondish hair stuck out from his baseball bat. I blinked and mentally smacked myself. Do I answer?!

"E-excuse me but you want to buy something from me?" The boy said.

"...wait here" I said, going to the kitchen.

"So who was it?" Lyel blinked then her eyes narrowed.

"Some guy wants us to buy something from us" I responded.

Lyel got up and I noticed the knife on her belt,"Let's go"


"Hurry up and shut your mouth before flies go into it" Lyel walked to the front door and I scampered after her.

The boy was still there and he seemed to smile when we came but I think an emotion flashed across his face when he saw Lyel. Lyel raised her eyebrow before asking him,"So what do you have?"

The boy grinned in a wolf like way,"Oh just movies, knives, and your death!"

Lyel got her knife from her belt and stabbed the guy in the arm and he howled with pain and went back into his original form, Shapeshifter. Lyel kicked him and shut the door.

"Baka!" Lyel mumbled and she dragged me into the room.

"What happened?!" Alexis asked, clearly concerned.

"Shapeshifter. I'm guessing...the battle will soon co-" I was cut off by part of the kitchen wall exploding.

"Run!" Lyel cried out.

We ran for it, going upstairs. We heard footsteps,"Oh Imōto-chan~ Where are you?~"

Lyel gulped slightly and held another knife in her hand, slowly moving to the top of the stairs. Lyel finally showed herself and yelped, dodging a dagger that was thrown at her. I peeked down and saw Josh, Jaws, Christie, and Shapeshifter staring at where Lyel was. Christie grinned and went up the stairs.

She stepped on one part of the step and an explosion was caused, throwing her to a wall. Josh decided to take it safe, running up the beam. He was halfway there before a rain of weapons flew down on him. Josh did a backflip, avoiding the weapons but getting scratched by one only. He growled and he landed on a step which exploded as well. Good job Deidara.

Hidan grinned and attacked. I freaked when I saw his three bladed scythe. When the hell?! I ignored it as Deidara threw one of his clay bombs down the stairs and exploded it. Sasori threw his posion covered kunai at Christie. Christie's eyes narrowed and dodged it,"Shapeshifter, now!"

Shapeshifter barked and jumped landing at the top of the stairs. He attempted to bit me but I got my bag that was hanging on the hook and wacked him on the side with it while I said,"Bad doggie!"

Shapeshifter yelped then growled as Jaws landed next to him. A crash come from a window and Shadow tackled Shapeshifter creating a fight. Jaws growled and ran at Shadow until Light bit his leg. Jaws attempted to bite her but Light was too quick to catch and she launched attack after attack while Jaws couldn't do anything but attempt to dodge. I hear Christie's shout and I looked up, seeing her lunging at Light. Kisame kicked Christie in the stomach and she flew into a wall. Christie yelped and threw her dagger at him. He caught it with two of his fingers and I stabbed her in the shoulder. We ran for it, jumping out a window. Shadow and Light were at our heels. Then Lyel said something I never thought she would say.

"Deidara, blow up the house"


"Blow it up!"

Deidara glanced at us but we nodded. He put his hands into his explodable clay filled bags and when he took his hands out he had a bird. He hesitated but threw it at the house. The bird grew to the size of a crow and it flew inside. Deidara did a hand sign,"Katsu!"

The bird exploded and so did the house.

"So is it over?" Alexis asked.

"This is just the beginning. The battle is just starting"

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