Marshmallow sky

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SJ woke early the next morning to go to school it was her first day back and she was dreading it "I'll see you later babe, have a good day" said Georgie whilst giving her a squeeze.
    She got to school, there was an eerie air around "Sambuca? Is Earl back?" She asked and Sam nodded. SJ and Earl just didn't get on.
     As the day went on SJ started to get nervous, she texted her uncle Charlie and said she wasn't feeling well & he agreed to pick her up it was 4th Period and she exited her lesson to go get picked up  about the lessons she's missed when she came across Earl. "Hiya sweetheart" he crowned she rolled her eyes, "go away Earl" and she started to walk away "don't you turn your back on me!" He Snarled and grabbed her arm and she turned round she saw it, she recognised it as her dad & Uncle Charlie both owned these a hand gun. Earl pointed it at SJ "no-one messes with my family  and lives to tell the tale & I mean no-one" fear shot through her eyes "Earl please don't do this please" she pleaded to no avail a tear rolled down her cheek. Then a Loud shot rang out through out the school.
       SJ fell to the floor, then everything went blurry, the flurry of students, the many members of staff until "SJ darling, SJ can you hear me, stay with me, stay with me!" A voice spoke "uncle Charlie" she croaked "your going to be okay, your going to be just fine" her Incle Charlie said whilst holding her & putting pressure on the side of her ribs, she looked down at his hand, it was stained Scarlet.
      "Tell mum I love her & im sorry" she croaked as her breathing got heavy "tell her yourself you'll be okay" then she heard sirens an ambulance "they're here SJ it'll all be okay they're here!" Her uncle Charlie coaxed. But then it all went black.

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