Keep Fighting

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SJ was chucked into the back of a truck where the wind was knocked out of her, she could smell the layer of grime on the desert as the truck sped away. The men were all talking to each other saying things she didn't understand but she daren't move she barely even dared to breathe as there was a gun poking at her rib cadge as a threat.

Georgie rushed to Charlie back at base "are special forces here? They've got to find my baby!" Georgie said hurriedly "yes but Georgie there's something you should know it's Elv..." he was cut off as Georgie made eye contact with him. "Georgie.." Elvis began but Georgie slapped him and the sound was harsh "okay I deserved that." He continued he tried talking to her but she wasn't having it "you love me right? You'd do anything for me?" Georgie asked "of course!" Elvis replied
"Then get my daughter back safe and sound and stay the hell away from us!" Georgie retorted.

SJ was dragged off the truck the sunlight glared in her eyes, she was disoriented. When a man took hold of her face, she stared deep into his eyes "nice work, she's what will put us on the front page!" A British accent said she spat at him and for that she received a boot in her gut, he then proceeded to pull her up by her hair and whispered in her ear "I wouldn't do that if I were you, I run the show round here princess." Then he dropped her "where should we put her Abu?" He vaguely waved an arm in a direction.
      she had a bag roughly placed over her head and her hands chained so high above her head that they went numb. She stood there for what felt like hours. She heard Abu speak "bring her to me." She was placed on her knees in front of a camera, a knife was placed to her neck "read the sign." Abu sneered. SJ swallowed hard "I'm a British citizen being held hostage, I will be executed tomorrow at sundown if all the ashabad fighters have to been released." Afterwards Abu walked away she was dragged after him "what's going to happen?" SJ asked. Abu stroked her cheek and she shuddered "well Princess if they don't release our fighters your death will be on the hands of the British and Kenyan government." And with that he continued to walk away. He stopped but didn't face her he could hear something. He grabbed her there was a bang as the compound was being raided by special forces. Abu places his hand over her mouth so she couldn't scream. Then SJ's eyes met her fathers Abu stood in a face off with Elvis restraining SJ placing a gun against her neck "shall I? Shall I do it princes?" He whispered to her.
He then chucked her at Elvis and legged it, he escaped. Elvis got his daughter up into the helicopter "are you alright?" He asked she didn't answer she just hugged him for a while.
"All is well in the world" he whispered

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