~ Sun Rise ~

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Chapter 17~

Y/n POV,

" Let's do it,". I said interrupting him, " what?" He said in shock, "let's do it," I said giving him a big smile. His shocked expression soon calmed and turned into a happy one, I couldn't get enough of his boxy smile it really does make my heart flutter.

I was rapped up in my blanket, talking with Taehyung waiting for the sun to rise. I couldn't help but notice him rubbing his hands together as if trying to warm them. I didn't hesitate for a second and quickly offered him to come and share my blanket, he quickly refused "no! I can't," he said but I gave him a playful glare and rapped the blanket around him, so now it was covering both of our cold bodies.

I was playing with my hands as we were talking when he suddenly pulled my left hand into his. I was in shock by his sudden action, " what's that on your hand?!" He said with concern, I looked at my hand and quickly realized what he was concerned about. " it's an old scar," I said smiling at how concerned he looked.

" was it painful?" He said tracing the scar with his finger, " I don't remember, I was only two when it happened," I said looking at him with a smile as he kept tracing the scar. I never felt like this before, at that moment I felt like all my worries and thoughts just stopped.

I felt like I was only thinking about what was happening and nothing more, I've never felt so much at ease. Was it because he was so caring over something so little and old? Or is it because I've never felt this type of way with anyone?

I've had relationships with guys, and none of them felt like this. What I was feeling towards him wasn't sexual attraction but something much more deeper and stronger. Maybe.. just maybe. What I'm feeling right now is-

"Y/n, " he whispered pulling me out of my thought, "yes, Tae," I answered looking directly at his eyes. "Look the sun is about to rise, " he said turning his gaze towards the window. "I have an idea, " I said and he returned his gaze to me, " let's go to the roof and watch the sunrise there,"

He stayed still for a second before quickly jumping out of bed and grabbing a large towel that was on the floor, "you don't mind if this gets dirty right?" He said and I was speechless, to say the least, "so we can sit on it because I don't want our clothes to get dirty," he explained.

"Oh, yeah that okay," I said, why are you so dirty-minded y/n?! I scolded myself before quickly grabbing the blanket and heading out of my room, "we need to be quiet," I whisper in Taehyungs ears, he just nodded in response. His ears turned red, wait, is he blushing?

Three hours later~

We went to the roof, saw the sunrise, and then went to bed. We were so tired that we slept on the same bed without even noticing, I don't really mind since it's not the first time I've slept with Taehyung in the same bed. We woke up to the sound of Namjoon breaking a glass cup in the kitchen.

"What was that?!" Taehyung and I said at the same time, we quickly got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. "What happened ?!" I said in concern thinking someone might have gotten injured, "sorry, I wanted to drink some water, I'll pay for the cup," Namjoon said quickly trying to pick up the glass shards.

"Don't!" I screamed and he quickly dropped the chards on the floor, "your gonna cut your hand open with that, " I said bringing a trash bin and quickly swept the glass chards and disposed of them. " let me see your hands," I said and he extended both of his hands like a cute child.

" good, no cuts. And don't ever pick up glass shards with your bare hands, " I scolded returning the trash bin to its place, "I'm really sorry, how much did it cost? " he said wanting to repay me for the damage, "one thousand won, " I said jokingly and his eye shot up, "I'm kidding, you don't have to repay me for a glass cup, as long as you weren't hurt I'm good, " I said punching him playfully on the shoulder.

He let out a small laugh and a sigh of relief, my eyes caught my reflection on the microwave mirror, "oh my god? I look like a mess, " I thought to myself and my cheeks went red, my hair was all over the place, my shirt slipped down my shoulder revealing my bra strap and my eyes were so puffy.

I quickly patted my hair pulled back my shirt and splashed my face with water from the kitchen sink, turning back to see namjoon and Taehyung still standing there. I was still a bit embarrassed by how I looked, I was going to head quickly to my room and change when suddenly jimin walked in.

"I heard something break, " he said leaning on the side of the door, " you look cute with puffy eyes," he said teasingly and Taehyung quickly sent him a death glare, I laughed it off and headed to my room and got ready. The moment I opened my door to head out, Taehyung stood right in front of me.

" oh! You scared me," I said startled, "about yesterday, I want to apologize- ". "Yesterday was fun, let's do it again as soon as possible. And don't worry, I don't mind sleeping in the same bed, and I trust that you won't do anything stupid," I interrupted him before giving him a wink and heading to the living room where the boys and Nina were all gathered.

Saturday, 3:00 pm ~

We all sat in the living room enjoying our evening coffee as we talked and laughed, we woke up late today so we didn't eat launch. Instead, I was thinking of going out to a bar where we can eat and drink all night, " guys do you want to go to a bar, maybe have a couple of drinks and some food? Or we can just order take out and buy some alcohol from the store?" I asked the guys and Nina.

" I say we go out and have some fun! " jimin said and all the boys agreed except for yoongi, " I'm too sleepy, " he said fake yawning, " come on don't be such a party pooper, " Nina said, he just shook his head refusing to give in, "okay next time when you guys come over and sleep here you can take my bed and I'll sleep on the floor," she bribed and he quickly got up,

" Okay, let's go I'm driving, " he said taking the keys out of my hand, we were all shocked by his actions, he was about to leave when he suddenly turned around at all of us, " are you guys not coming ?! And you're not allowed to take back that deal," he said starring at Nina dead in the eyes.

" This is gonna be one hell of a night," I thought to myself before quickly heading to the car.


Hiii everyone ♥️♥️

It's been along time since I've updated, sorry 😔💔

I've been busy with school and exams but I'm trying to write as much as I can !

Hopefully next week or the week after that I'll update again :)

Hope you enjoy this chapter, it's really simple and cute ~


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