~ Meeting The Family ~

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Chapter 23 ~

Author POV,

Y/n shed a few tears on the way to the airport, as she felt the new wound settle into her heart. She wondered if she could ever get past this incident or if she will forever feel the pain. It was her first time dealing with a death of a close relative let alone her father.

As she grieved some more all the consumed Taehyung's mind was how y/n's life would be affected, and whether this would cause her to change her lifestyle. Meaning, if this incident would cause her to move or even worst, quit. Since he knew that the only thing that kept her motivated to fight for more was her father, will losing him also mean losing her motivation?

He bit his lips anxiously, stopping only when he tasted the metallic taste of blood on his tongue. And before they knew it they had already arrived at the airport and checked in, he booked first-class tickets to ensure that y/n will comfortably sleep on the flight there since not only did she not get a wink of sleep last night but also because it was more than a 12 hour flight there.

After landing safely and getting y/n back to her home, Taehyung struggled with a thought that he knew would disappoint y/n. He knew he had to leave y/n tomorrow but since y/n was so busy with everything that was happening he didn't have the time to tell her, or maybe he didn't have the guts to tell her. Her mother and he sat down together on the round dining table as y/n went to take a warm bath since her mother advised her to do so to help her relax. 

"So, Taehyung right?" She asked breaking the awkward silence, "yes Mrs.Lee," he responded formally, "I'm sorry you got dragged here, it must have been tiring," she apologized, he quickly responded denying her accusation and emphasizing that he willingly came here, " Not at all! You shouldn't be apologizing for your husband's death, I'm the one that's sorry for coming uninvited to such a serious family matter," he said, giving Mrs. Lee a warm smile.

His words touched Mrs. Lee deeply, more than she had anticipated they would. it made her heart warm again, and his warm smile reminded her of her husband's, which caused a few teardrops to roll down her cheeks, he quickly got up when he saw her tears started flowing, searching for tissues. He quickly handed her the tissues placing the tissue box in front of her if she needed more, he patted her back trying to comfort her. " please take care of y/n for me," Mrs.Lee said in between her sobs.

" I will," he whispered back...

"Mom!" Someone yelled from behind, he was shocked to see a girl who looked oddly familiar, "lia! when did you get here?" Mrs.Lee asked, wiping her tears and getting out of her set as if she hadn't just cried. She pulled the anonymous girl into a warm hug, "I took the closest  flight here, how y/n?" the girl asked concerned, "she's okay, how are you?" Mrs. Lee asked, the girl said nothing looking at her mother with a weak smile and eyes filled with tears.

Taehyung cleared his throat signaling that he was still here, "right y/n brought her friend, lia this is Taehyung," Mrs. Lee introduced, "I've heard a lot about you from y/n, " she said extending her hand for a handshake, he took her hand and smiled, still not knowing who the girl was, and too embarrassed to ask who she was.

"I'm lia, by the way, y/n's younger sister," she finally said, his mouth went to an "oh" after linking everything together, that's why she looked oddly familiar he thought. "It's a pleasure to meet you," he said smiling warmly, "y/n was right when she said you were really good-looking in real life," she said making him blush at the thought of y/n saying that.

~ Background Info~

Everyone knew who he was since y/n was a fan of theirs, but none of her family follows them so they only know the member's names and can barely recognize them.

~ 5 hours later ~

The funeral was to be held tomorrow morning, hours before Taehyungs flight back home. They didn't invite a lot of people since they only had a few close relatives and family friends.

y/n was admiring the family picture in the living room, her parents were in the back, her mother held her younger sister in her arms as she stood right in the center, her older brother was to her right smiling to his little heart's content. The picture gave her an odd warm filling in her heart as if someone was hugging her bare heart.

They were so happy back then she thought, a time so pure and innocent, oblivious of the true colors of the world. She wished, no, she longed to go back there, but she knew she had to face the present. She snapped out of her thought when she felt a hand on her shoulder, "long time no see kiddo," her older brother teased.

She gasped, "Mark!" Quickly hugging him, he hugged her deeper patting her head, "so, how are you holding up?" He asked knowing how deeply she loved their father, he knew her answer when he felt the warm damp tears on his chest, he hugged her tighter, "it's okay we're all here, we're going to get through this together," he whispered a few tears falling down his cheeks.

"Y/n," Taehyung called out from behind, he gulped down a lump at the sight he walked into, he knew y/n had a brother but he never saw a picture of him. So the thought that popped to mind when he saw y/n hugging a guy was very unpleasant for him. His blood boiled a little but he kept his composure since it was a very sensitive time for y/n.

She broke the hug and looked at Taehyung, her eyes puffy from crying, his eyes grew wide when he saw her eyes as he came closer to her, "I wanted to check up on you," he said wiping the tears with his thumb, he stopped when the unknown guy pulled his hand away. "Who are you? And what are you doing here?" He questioned annoyed.

Taehyung clenched his jaw even more annoyed than he was, "oh let me introduce you, mark this is Taehyung my... friends," she said hesitating at the end, "and Taehyung this is mark my older brother," she said and relive washed over Taehyung. " oh your brother," he mumbled, "you didn't answer my question, why are you here ?" Mark asked still annoyed.

"Mark stop, " y/n said in an annoyed tone, " he helped me through a lot, I told him to stay for the funeral," she said, leaving Mark a bit speechless. "this is not a good time to pick a fight," she said before storming out of the room, leaving Mark and Taehyung in awkward silence. "I understand your worry over y/n but don't worry I'm not trying to do anything, I just want to be a friend she can rely on," he said smiling warmly.

Mark let out a sigh, " I also have a younger sister, so I know what you feel, and I know y/n will never understand why you're doing this but I do," he said before starting to walk away, " if you hurt her I'll hurt you," Mark threatened, " I wouldn't dare to," Taehyung responded before going out of the room.

"Y/n where are you?" Taehyung called out, "I'm here," he followed her voice leading him to what looked like her room, she was laying in her bed starring blankly at the wall, he walked towards her slowly "can I sit here?" He asked, she just nodded. He sat next to her wrapping his arm around her, "I have something to tell you," he said facing her, " what ?" She asked concerned.

" I'm leaving tomorrow night," he said, she stopped, looking at him stunned, the person who supported her all through this time was going to leave her, alone. "O-okay," she said a lump forming in her throat. "But I'll call you every day and if you need me just say the word I'll be right in front of you, okay?" He said those words caused a warm feeling to take over y/n's heart leaving her with a feeling of comfort and reassurance.

" We should eat dinner and sleep, tomorrow is going to be a long and tiring day," he said getting up out of bed, he turned around extending his hand, "let's go eat,". She immediately took his hand, "let's go," she said giving him a genuine smile this time, his eyes grew wide at the sight, thinking to himself,

She finally smiled...


Hiiii !

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