~ Meeting ~

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Chapter 15 ~

Taehyung POV,

Me and y/n stood in silence for a few minutes, before I broke the silence " Y-you should go first I'll be right out, " I said trying not to look at her directly in the eyes because I was too embarrassed at what just happened. And in a blink of an eye, she was out of the room.

I let out a heavy sigh before falling on my bed and remembering what happened yesterday, I couldn't help but smile at how cute she was sleeping, all cuddled up with me and my face flushed the moment I remembered what I did this morning when she tried to wake me up.

"Why did I hug her like that?!" I thought to myself and cursed a little, all I was thinking about was how she felt about it, "what if she never speaks to me again because of it?" The question filled me with worry, I don't blame her if she does I invaded her personal space.

But I know one thing for sure I don't regret doing it.

~ thirty minutes later ~

Me and y/n awkwardly ate our breakfast, and I could tell she was stealing glances at me every few minutes, and we can't forget how intensely everyone was staring at us, even yoongi Hyung. "Okay," I said putting down my fork and facing the boys, "what do you want to say, just spit it out," I said a little annoyed.

They all looked at each other before jimin turned towards me with a big smirk, "Oh nothing, just finish your breakfast," he said before turning his gaze to y/n and gave her a wink. I couldn't handle it at this point, quickly getting out of my seat I grabbed jimins arm and pulled him to my room.

"Okay, what is happening?! Why is everyone eating me and y/n with their eyes?!" I said at this point I couldn't keep my anger in. "Oh, we saw something and we can't help but be curious~," he said still wearing the smirk he had back at the table. "W-what did you see ?" I said getting nervous.

"Oh nothing, just you and y/n cuddling," he said, " I knew something was up between you two! Why didn't you tell me?!" He said pouting and trying to act mad, I let out a big sigh " for the hundredth time, there. Is. Nothing. Between. Us. Now stop jumping into conclusion, " I said rolling my eyes.

He looked at me before a big smirk popped on his face again, "oh really ?" He said "then why where you sleeping in the same bed ? " he asked and I stuttered "I-". "Oh and why were stealing glances at each other all morning not to mention she came out of your room blushing, " he let out a small laugh.

"Should I continue?" He asked and I got flustered because all he said was true, "I-I don't know what I feel but I know she doesn't like me, " I said looking at him dead in the eyes, he was about to say something but all he did was give me a warm smile and then he left the room.

~ A few hours later ~

Y/n and Nina were about to head back home, me and y/n haven't had a proper conversation since yesterday. "Go talk to her," Namjoon said slightly pushing me towards y/n as she was about to head out. I took a deep breath and grabbed her arm gently, "can we talk? " I asked trying my best to keep my composure, "sure," she said giving me her signature warm smile that always made my heart flutter.

She gave her stuff to Nina and we headed to a park nearby, because we needed to be alone and if we stayed at my house the boys would sure eavesdrop. We sat on a bench and I tried my best not to act awkward, I had no idea how to start this conversation.

"I'm sorry, " we both said at the same time, my eyes grew wide at what she said and so did hers, "you go first," she said looking at her hands, "I-I'm sorry for invading your personal space this morning, I should've been more conscious of my surroundings," I said and I couldn't look her in the eyes, "No! It's okay, y-you weren't in your right mind, " she said giving me a comforting smile.

"That's still no excuse, " I said, then I felt a hand over mine and I quickly looked up, "I didn't mind it Tae," she said, " to be honest, I should be the one apologizing. " she said as her smile faded away and I looked at her confused, "I'm the one that forced you to sleep next to me, ". "No, I agreed to sleep next to you it's not your fault. " I said squeezing her hand for reassurance.

Her smile quickly came back, "thank you for taking care of me yesterday, and to be honest, I actually enjoyed the hug, " she said giving me a wink and before I could react I felt something jump on me, "who's that ?" Y/n asked with wide eyes. Looking down at my lap it was yeontan.

"It's my dog, " I said, "this is THE YEONTAN!" She practically screamed and quickly took him out of my lap and started playing with him in her lap. "Hello there," a familiar voice said and I quickly remembered who I left yeontan with.

"Hello mom, " I said quickly getting up and so did y/n, she gave me this look and I couldn't figure out if she was shocked or scared. "Who's this cutie? " my mom asked, "oh, this is y/n my doc- I mean my friend, " I said.

Y/n POV,

When he introduced me to his mother I was a little shocked, I'm his friend? I thought to myself and practically felt like I was on cloud nine. Quickly coming back to reality I bowed in respect and introduced myself, "you're really pretty y/n, " his mom said, "don't you think so too Taehyung ?" She asked him and I froze.

"Yeah, she's extremely pretty," he said with no hesitation and I felt my legs go weak, "Let's go to the cafe in the next street, I want to buy you food as thank you for helping my son," she said and I looked at her confused. "Oh honey, Taehyung told me everything about you," she said and started walking to the cafe.

I have left with Taehyung again in awkward

silence, I quickly followed Mrs. Kim so I wouldn't have to walk next to Taehyung and it becoming more awkward.

We had our coffee and talked a little and she told me some embarrassing stories about Taehyung and I couldn't help but imagine how cute he was as a child. After an hour of talking me and Taehyung said goodbye to his mother and left with Yeontan back to his house.

"Your mom is so sweet, " I said carrying yeontan in my hands, "yeah she is," he said, "you remind me of her, " he let out, "w-what?" I stuttered, "nothing," he said giving me a smile and before I knew it we reached his house. "Well this is goodbye, " I said handing him yeontan, "text me when you get home," he said.

I was about to ask why but I just nodded and headed to my car, giving him and yeontan one last wave before driving away.

~ three months later ~

I just finished the guys' checkups for the week, it was finally Friday. "Finally this week was so packed, I had a lot of patients, " I said packing my equipments, "you need to take more care of yourself y/n, " Jin ordered, "when was the last time you had a proper meal?" He asked and I stayed quiet, to be honest for the past month I've been living off of coffee and instant ramen.

"A month ago, " I said averting my eyes away from him, "okay that's it, me and the boys are coming over to your place and I'm making dinner. " he said, "but I-" I was going to protest, "I don't want any excuses, we're coming over and that's final,".

"Why don't you want us to come over? Do you have a boyfriend or something that you can't have guys over? " jimin teases and Taehyung gave him a bunch in the arm and he was about to fight back but I quickly interrupted them, "stop that, one of you might get seriously injured. And what if I do have an overprotective boyfriend who doesn't want his girlfriend to invite 7 grown men into her house? " I said raising an eyebrow and they both looked at me in shock.

" I don't, " I said packing the last of my things, "good," Taehyung mumbled and quickly looked away, " I just haven't asked Nina if she's okay with it, ". ", "I'm sure Nina wouldn't mind, we'll be over at 8," Jin said and I couldn't stop thinking about what Taehyung said. "Okay just don't be late," I said looking at all the boys, "especially you jimin, " I said looking at him and he put his hands in the air, "I'm not promising anything," he said with a laugh.

I drove home thinking about how the night was going to be, "will it end up like last time?" I thought and a small smile crept up on my face.


Hi guys !

THANKS FOR 1k READS 🤭♥️ !!!!

I really hope you enjoy this chapter ~

I'll try my hardest to update the story next week :)

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