~ Farewell ~

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Chapter 24 ~

Author POV,

After having dinner y/n felt a bit tired, she didn't want to sleep and leave Taehyung alone with her family and especially Mark, but Taehyung reassured her and told her to go to sleep and he will too in a few minutes.

After y/n left the dinner table, leaving Taehyung alone with her family, an awkward silence consumed the atmosphere, it made Taehyung uncomfortable but he still kept his warm smile, "So Taehyung, how long have you known my sister?" Mark asked breaking the silence that once consumed the table.

"Oh I've known her for 7 months now," he answered in a very calm tone, turning his body in a way so that he would be facing mark directly, "and how did you guys meet?" He asked, maybe he was trying to find something he could hold against the guy but Taehyung was all too smart for mark's little games, "well we first met when she helped me at my concert back in Korea, but we bumped into each other again the next day at the hospital when she helped my friend," he answered, taking a sip of his drink and placing it back down.

" and how did she suddenly become the band's doctor? " her younger sister asked with curious eyes, "well it was because of me," he answered now turning to Lia, "and how so?" She asked even more curious, he took another sip of his drink before answering the curious girl, "well after bumping into each other again at the hospital, I asked her to be my doctor, ".

"And then what happened? ", "and then she laughed at my face," he answered laughing at the thought of how stupid he must have sounded back then, "you deserved that, who in their right mind asks someone to be their doctor like that?" Mark said with a chuckle, "mark!" Mrs. Lee scolded, "well I'm quite happy you made my y/n laugh," Mrs. Lee said with a smile.

They spent the rest of the night interrogating Taehyung, and Taehyung only answered confidently, he also made sure to not say anything they could hold offense to since he wanted to get on their good side. "So when are you planning to go back?" Mrs. Lee asked, "oh, I'm leaving tomorrow night," he said looking down at his fingers, as the feeling of guilt consumed him again.

"Why the rush? You should take a vacation and spend the rest of the week with us," lia said crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair, "he's a busy man lia, we should acknowledge that," Mrs. Lee said, "oh I wish I could stay but I have work to do, I've been putting off for two weeks now," he said giving them a weak smile, he didn't want to leave but he had to since he already used his vacation, and he knew he had a lot of work waiting for him.

A chuckle came out of marks mouth, "so works more important than y/n," He said giving Taehyung a smug look, thinking he caught him in a tight end, " not really, but I don't have to explain myself to you," he said wiping his mouth with a napkin and getting up out of his seat, "now if you'll excuse me, I'm kind of sleepy," giving mark the same smug look he once gave him. " yes it's late, the flight must have been exhausting," Mrs. Lee said trying to break the suffocating tension in the atmosphere.

"Taehyung, our guest bedroom isn't ready for you to use, I was wondering if you'd be comfortable sleeping with Mark," Mrs. Lee said not looking at mark since she still hasn't told him about this, marks eyes almost popped out of their sockets, " I never- ", " yes, that would be fine, thank you for letting me stay here," Taehyung said interrupting Mark.

" Lead the way Mark, " Taehyung said with a smirk, mark let out a sigh of defeat, he angrily got out of his seat and lead Taehyung to his room, "sleep on the couch, I'll go bring you a pillow and a blanket," he said then left the room, Taehyung wanted to get closer to mark since he knew he played a big part in y/n's life. After a few minutes of contemplating what to do, he finally got it.

"Here," marks suddenly came in and threw the blanket and pillow to Taehyung, thankfully Taehyung has quick reflexes and caught it in time. Mark immediately fell onto his bed and closed his eyes pretending to be asleep, Taehyung put the blanket and pillow on the couch and turned to mark, " So mark, I was wondering what you did for a living," he asked trying to start a conversation with Mark.

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