5000 READS!

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It still feels a little unreal to me, but today I noticed that The Private Clinic has officially reached 5000 reads! Thank you all so much for reading, commenting, voting and sharing. It really means so much to me!

As I announced earlier, here you have an additional chapter to TPC. It's set after chapter 23, but before the epilogue. I scrapped it from the story because I couldn't fit it within my timeline, but as a little extra to show my gratitude, I thought why not give you all a little more, to maybe finally conclude this story.

Anyway, back to the story.....

Waiting for Miller takes ages, so my mind wanders to Juliet's funeral we held a week ago. Every so often, the image of her laying in the coffin intrudes my mind. Her skin was yellow and leathery, but the mortician did their best to clean her up and have her looking her nicest.

My eyes water when I think of how much I failed her. How everything for her ended in a dirty cellar underneath a house where she was held captive for months. She slipped through my fingers again, it's not fair. I wasn't even aware of the torture, the isolation, the hurt she went through. The trauma still traced back in het lifeless corpse. All I feel right now, while staring at the ground, is regret.

I glaze my eyes over the park, the children playing in the fountain, a couple having a picknick. It's a perfect spring day. Very different from a week ago, when we buried Juliet. It was as if the heavens were crying with us. There was not a speck of sunlight that would burst through the thick pack of clouds and the rain hadn't stopped until the next day.

Aunt Olivia and Jay had picked out a beautiful bouquet of flowers for the coffin. I was in charge of the invitations, so I made sure I invited people I knew Juliet would approve of.

Actually, Juliet kind of liked everyone in town, so she wouldn't have left people out – but I picked out the suitable people, the people who sticked by me in the search for her. Even Logan was allowed to come.

I reunited with Daniel and Oliver, and we even played a song together. Though we knew Juliet loved our rock songs, we opted for something acoustic, something we wrote ourselves.

Sunset hill

With the gust of wind

Waking me so slow

Every morning filled with determination

I cant just see you go

Call out to me if you're ready

Watch the sun rise with me

Watch the darkness disappear

Miller attended as well, I didn't even invite him, but he snuck in last minute. I hadn't been all too nice to him, I called him a coward and said he failed my sister.

Thinking of him, he's taking so long. I stare at my hands. After passing out the night of Juliet's escape attempt, the police stormed into the house and arrested Clark. That's when I regained consciousness. I chew him out completely, right there on the spot. In my rage saying things I should now regret.

The paramedics weren't able to tend to Juliet, and every time I think of where she died, I get really upset. The paramedics were able to help out Evan though, and he lives. He's locked up, that's for sure – but he lives. After I woke up in the hospital, Miller told me that I hadn't actually shot him, I missed. One of the policemen coming down shot in Clark's knee. He said I had fallen to my knees and raised my hands in the air for a second, but then I collapsed. I can't remember any of that.

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