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~Four Months Later~

Ross' POV

I sat down in Calum's dressing room, reading fan mail we had receved. Laura  was catching up on school work and Raini was talking to her brother on her phone. All the letters were the same. Thanks for saving my life. Will you marry me? Will I have their children? Will R5 be touring soon? When will the album be released? Will I got out on a date with them? Is Raura real? Do I like Laura? What about Raini? Do the cast support R5? Any script teasers?

"Hey man. This was in my pile." Calum said passing me an envelope. I looked at the back to see a return postage adress. Bradley Simpson? Where have I heard that name before? I jumped up and grabbed my laptop, went into google search and typed in his name. The Vamps? What are they. There was a recent magazine article which had me on the front of it again.

Brad Simpson and Amy Worthy were caught snogging each other at a recent meet and greet. We can now tell you that yes, they are a couple, but is Calum Worthy, actor on the Disney Channel, okay with his younger sister's choices?

"Ohmygod!" I gasped and read it multiple times.

"What's wrong buddy?" Calum asked coming over and reading the passage. "She has a boyfriend?" Calum asked.

"I guess so." I said.

"At least she doesn't have that crush on you any more." Raini said walking past to join Laura.

"I guess not." I sighed kinda disapointed. Calum picked up my letter and his letter.

"Dude, Brad is throwing Amy a surprise birthday party, and he wants us to come." Calum said.

"Guess I was wrong." Raini said and we nodded.

"Well, I'm going to go." Calum said. "I'll go ask Heath for some time off." Calum said and I looked at the letter again. I stared at it for quite some time. I really wanna see her again.

"I'll come with you Calum, because you won't know anyone else there." I said. Good cover up. I smiled to myself and followed Calum out the door.

What am I going to get Amy for her birthday. She has a boyfriend. I'm happy for her, but I still need to get her something. I wonder what her boyfriends like. I went back onto Instagram while Calum asked Heath. I saw all the photos Amy had posted of her and this Bradley guy. I wish I was in those photos. How am I going to talk to her? Why was I invited? What am I supposed to wear?

"I'm going to get Amy a book that she wanted and a bracelet. One of those charm ones. She's always wanted one." Calum told me. "We can go halves and we can get her something else." Calum said grabbing his script and flicking through it.

"I don't mind." I told him. Just as long as I get to see her again and apoligise and talk some common sense into her boyfriend, because I dont want her getting hurt.

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