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I made it about 10 steps down the hall before I was roughly torn from reality. He gripped my wrist tightly, pulling me back to face him. The cold rings on his fingers burned into the delicate skin on my cheek as he slaps me brutally. He then quickly grabs my neck before adding pressure and forcing me back head first onto the wall. "What do you think you're playing at y/n?" He spat. I stand there, smirking. A white wash of calm flowing over me, overriding the burning sensation on my delicate skin. I close my eyes to embrace this new sense of freedom from caring, a freedom to not be free at all, and not to feel. I flutter my eyes open, and as I do, he loosens his grip on my neck.

Draco's POV

She flutters her eyes open, but I wish she hadn't. The once gorgeous sparkly eyes, now engulfed by the darkness swirling around in them. There is nothing behind those eyes, no emotion, no personality. I can feel her slipping away, the very thread of being that made her ... herself. The thread of being that attracted me to her the day I met her, slowly drifting into the darkness. She was a death eater now, by no one else's fault but mine. I should have protected her. I should have never etched the dark mark into her beautifully perfect and smooth skin.

"Don't ever.. hit me again" she speaks slowly, making sure to enunciate every single word. I'm smart enough to know that this woman is much more powerful than me, especially with her gifts. It drives me insane. I want to be the most powerful... I want to.. I want to assert dominance over her. For her to be loyal to me and only me.

"Or else what... y/n" I say equally as dark as herself. Within seconds of her face contorting into a demonic grin, one of the lit torches hung upon the wall comes flying off its bracket and lands directly on my robe, setting it alight. I scramble to take the burning robe off of my body, throwing it on the ground and stamping on it to put the flame out. I compose myself before saying "really? You're going to set me on fire?" I snarl.

The next few words that came out of her mouth so seriously, was one of the reasons why I had given her to Voldemort so willingly. I saw her gifts begin to deteriorate, along with her mind. The second she started to lose control of her gifts, I knew it wouldn't take long before she lost control of herself.

"No Draco, next time I'll kill you for good" she says before drawing her wand out. She aims it at Pansy who had just begun walking toward us from the staircase. "Sectumsempra" she shouts before Pansy shrieks and falls to the ground. "Pansy!" I yell before running over to her blood soaked body. I remember the counter course Snape muttered when Harry cursed me, and I begin to mutter "Vulnera Sanentur". Slowly Pansy's blood covered body begins to heal, and her tears being to stop falling. Before I could turn around to speak, y/n was gone.


I liked it. No. I LOVED it. I wish I had have killed her, I wish Draco didn't save her with the counter curse. I don't even feel bad for doing it, I don't feel a thing at all. I storm up toward the astronomy tower, relishing in how fast the blood is being pumped through my veins, how the adrenaline is affecting me. It was a high. Almost killing Pansy set something off inside of me. I felt a part of me blossom, and another part die... but in the darkest way possible.

My feelings for Draco are slowly dissipating. The only hunger inside me being that of pain and darkness. I wanted more. I needed more. I change direction and begin to stride toward the library. I see Hermione and rush over to her. "Mione, do you have the book about the vanishing cabinet?" I ask. "Yeah I do, hang on" she says as she reaches down into a small purse. I must have looked confused as she said "I enchanted it" before pulling out a book. "Ahhh" I coo. I take the book from her before saying "thank you!" And rushing off. I can see she's confused but that quickly changes into infatuation of her book.I peel off to the left in the library to sit down and read the book for myself.

To assert dominance (Draco x Mattheo)Where stories live. Discover now