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Hey guys just letting you know that this is a mix of years. So basically it's mostly about the deathly hallows however it will have a few past encounters with Voldemort as well in case you're confused. I hope you like it! xx

In the shower, I couldn't help but miss the feeling of Draco on me. The scent of apple and cologne lingering on my body. The feeling of his fingertips gliding on my mark. I don't know how or why, but when he traced his fingers over it, it made it feel a little less dirty. Like it was no longer a flaw but yet something he saw beauty in. I can no longer look at myself without staring at it. I can't help but feel a part of something bigger than myself, even if it's for dark reasons. I've never felt so connected with the darkness before. I can feel the good rise up and try to fight it's way out every so often, but the darkness within me is way too dark to let it through... and I'm okay with that.

I no longer feel sadness or despair. Nor do I feel happiness often. I only feel lust and anger, and whenever something good happens, the initial sense of happiness only further drives these feelings.

I hop out of the shower and dress myself before making my way back to my room. I'm stopped by some slytherin girl I don't know who says, "y/n?". "Yes?" I reply bitterly. "Harry is looking for you" they meekly say before running off. I must be intimidating when I'm like this. Good. I put my toiletries and towel in my room before making my way outside of the common room. The second I step out, I'm whisked away by Harry, Ron and Hermione. "Come quick y/n!" Hermione whisper yells. "Okay okay Jesus!" I hiss back, causing her to shoot me a look. When they successfully pull me around a corner of the castle I have never been to before, a door begins to appear out of no where. I look at Hermione and Ron who both nod to Harry. "What is going o-" I say before Harry cuts me off. "Shhhh" he whispers. Jesus Christ they're touchy tonight, I think to myself.

We walk in and approach a group of students, none of which are from slytherin. They all turn to look at me as I enter. "What is going on?" I say, turning to Harry. "Well, since Umbridge won't teach us defence against the dark arts, I've decided that I will. It's essentially an army, to protect ourselves and others against Voldemort" he says. "And you want me to join?" I ask. "Yes, precisely" he replies. If only they knew who I really was. "I'd love to!" I beam. I need to fake being approachable, so they think I'm a 'good' slytherin. "Brilliant! Let's get started" Harry says before he starts huddling the group together. I walk toward the group and notice Cedric standing there, flashing a bit of a desperate smile toward me.

As Harry speaks, Cedric starts to whisper to me. "Hey y/n!" He says a bit too enthusiastically. "Hey" I reply flatly. "I've missed you, I haven't seen you since you were in the in-" I cut him off. "Yeah haha look, it was really nice of you to stay with me that night and even flatter me with the whole girlfriend proposal but - my heart isn't in this and neither is my head" I say coldly. "As for your comment about my fake cold slytherin act, I think you may want to revise your logic. I'm a slytherin to the bone, it runs in my blood. The only reason I'm here is because I want to protect the school and those around us from Voldemort" I say, the last part being a very swift lie.

The beautiful boy's expression changes quicker than a wild tide. "If that is what you truly want" he says, looking down and then at Harry. "It is" I say, also looking at Harry but not acknowledging Cedric's eyes that I can feel now staring at me, looking for some form of hope. "Okay so please get into pairs and begin!" Harry says. I walk directly toward Hermione, watching Cho gravitate magnetically toward him. She seems so happy to be in his presence, but his attention is focused on me. Hopefully he can forget about me and focus on someone who actually wants him. He tried to give me tender love, but little did he know, I was never made for that. Never born to accept, give it receive it.

Soon after the lesson is over, Harry pulls me back. He grabs my recently carved wrist. I wince in pain. "Oh I'm so sorry y/n! Are you okay?" Harry says. "Oh yeah haha don't worry about it, I just have a small bruise on my wrist. I'm a bit clumsy" I lie. "No worries, hey look I just wanted to congratulate you on your efforts today. I've never seen someone pick it all up so quickly. Especially since this is your first year at Hogwarts technically. You were better than everyone today" he smiles. "Oh thanks Harry! Hopefully I'll be able to put up a good fight against Voldemort" I smile back. "I'm sure you will" he smiles. "See you next week!" I say as I begin to walk off. He waves and says his goodbyes also.

Imagine when Voldemort knows that he will be able to gain inside information about his enemies from me. He's going to recognise that he's never picked a better death eater in his life. In fact, I want to be the best one yet. The darkest, most evil death eater there ever has been. Now to start prying information out of them, this should be fun.


I make my way back to the common room, dying to tell Draco what I've uncovered... and will be uncovering. I see him sat by the fire, relaxing if you will. "Draco! Draco! You'll never believe what I-" he cuts me off. "Shhh, fucks sake. Do you have to be so bloody loud" he spits. I roll my eyes. "If you would stop being a prick for like one second, then maybe I could tell you something that even you'll find interesting" I say. "Jesus okay what is it" he says. Everything goes silent, I look around to make sure there are no prying eyes around before saying quietly "I've been asked to be apart of Dumbledoor's army, I can help Voldemort with his plans" I grin widely.

He looks at me, a look I don't think I've ever seen on a person before. I think he might just be proud of me. His face turns quickly to seriousness and grabs me by the wrist, dragging me toward my room. "Jesus Draco" I hiss at the rush he's in. He pushes the door open with force and slams it harder. He throws me onto my bed and beams the brightest smile at me. "You have no idea what that means y/n, you can help us so much. Voldemort will help us if we help him, he won't be as willing to sacrifice us" he says. A look of relief swims through his eyes, but still... a glint of fear also. I smile up proudly at him and say "Aren't I just the best".

Without another word, Draco picks me up and spins me around before planting a kiss on my tender lips. My legs wrap quickly around his muscular torso, before he lays me down gently onto the bed. "Good girl" he says, filling me with a warm and loving feeling. He towers over me, and brushes my hair swiftly behind my ears. He caresses my face so gently before quickly grabbing my throat, full force. "D-Draco, you're hurt-ting me" I manage to gasp out. "Good" he spits. "Be a good girl for daddy" he says before his fingers start to play with my clit over my clothes. "D-Draco" I moan. With this, he slowly reaches up my skirt and pulls my delicate black lace panties to the side. He swiftly puts 2 fingers inside of me, slowly pumping in and out before using my wetness to rub my clit with ease.

I begin to shake, moaning louder and louder with every swirl of his gentle fingertips. He leans down before stopping his blissful torture and whispers, "You tell me everything that happens and only I can alert Voldemort. You'll just be daddy's little helper" he spits. With that, he stands up and walks out of my room... slamming the door behind him. I can't help but lay there, sexually frustrated and emotionally confused. Was he happy that I had been able to infiltrate Dumbledoor's army? Was he worried that I might take the spot light if I'm the one to help Voldemort? Fuck him, I'll be taking that goddam spotlight. Fuck running it through him first.

Hey guys, I love it when you commennnnttt. Please comment more ❤️

I love you guys xx

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