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Once we reached the infirmary, Cedric explain to Madam Pomfrey what had happened. She rushed over to check for broken bones, but luckily, I only had some bad bruising. "Well dear, count yourself lucky. We will keep you overnight to examine any head injury that could have occurred and then you can go about your business" she says very matter-of-factly. With that, she walks away to tend to other patients.

Cedric looks at me, his eyes soften and become kinder than I thought was humanly possible. "Y/n, I really would like you to come with me to Hogsmeade. I know you have a no dating rule, and you're not keen on meeting Hufflepuffs, so how about me and you go on a friend date? Please, it's the least I could do. Might even cheer you up" he smiles. I have no self control around this boy. "Okay" I weakly smile.

"Great! The second you're able to leave here, I'll take you back to your dorm and you can get ready and we can go. Deal?" He grins. "Deal" I say simply. "Alright, you rest up and I'll see you then" he says before planting another sweet kiss on my forehead. He follow it up with a "oh, and get used to being kissed like that because I can't help it around you". Then with that, he walks off. My parents would be shaking in their boots if they saw this.

As nightfall comes, I begin to become sleepy. There is nothing worse than lying in a hospital bed and trying to sleep, although there was no one else in the infirmary so it was very silent. I begin to drift off slowly, losing consciousness as I drift further and further into slumber. Suddenly I hear a harsh whisper "y/n, wake up".

I open my eyes slowly to see Draco standing in front of me. "Ugh Jesus what is it" I snap. "Shhh, you'll attract Madam Pomfrey" he says. "Fine what is it" I whisper. "We didn't finish out conversation" he replies. Ahhh yes, that's the kind of thing I'm used to. Being ignored until I'm needed. "Draco I'm in a fucking hospital bed, can it not wait" I hiss. He grabs my face, hard, before saying "fine, let me make you feel better". He begins to smirk, and I squirm under his grip.

He reaches under the blanket covering me, and traces his fingers up my leg. "Draco - No St-" he cuts me off by placing his hand over my mouth. "I'll stop when I say so" he spits. Suddenly a familiar wave of submission flows over me. I shut my eyes tightly, like I used to with Jack and focus on my breathing. Being submissive was the easiest thing to do. Make my mind go somewhere else so I don't feel the pain as much. A tear falls from my eye and I begin to dissociate from what is about to happen, and I think Draco notices as he stops.

"For gods sake why do you always fucking cry I'm trying to pleasure you" he hisses. "For gods sake Draco are you thick?! I tried to explain last time but I couldn't bring myself to. I've been raped before, in fact my only sexual experience I've ever had was rape. It's all I know. Loveless and fucking emotionless sex. It's easy for me to not care, and to dissociate because then it doesn't hurt as bad! He acted exactly like you do. Dominant and exerting all his fucking power over me!" I yell. Draco takes a step back, not knowing where to look or how to act. He storms off and leaves me there, feeling numb. I promised myself I wouldn't cry again, it's weak of me. Maybe now he knows, he'll leave me the fuck alone.


I can't even say I slept last night, my mind scattering through dark memories like a photo book. I sit up, pushing it all to darkest places of my mind before standing up next to the bed. I decide to leave without letting Madam Pomfrey know. I can't stay here much longer and I'm fine anyway so I don't care. I make my way back to Slytherin, everyone still fast asleep. I climb into my own bed and almost as quickly as I hit the bed, I fell asleep.


I wake to the sound of someone whispering to me. "Y/n! Y/n wake up!" They slowly say. I slowly open my eyes to Cedric standing in front of me. "C-Cedric? What time is it?" I blink a couple of times before looking around. It's still quite dark.. and I'm not in the common room. I must have fallen asleep and dreamed that I had left. "It's 4am, I couldn't stop thinking about you and I wanted to know how you are" he smiles. It's sweet but slightly clingy, could he not have waited till the morning? "Oh aha I'm okay, tired" I say, emphasis on the 'tired' part considering he's just woken me up from my slumber. "Oh okay yeah good" he says awkwardly. "Do- Do you mind if I climb in with you? I mean it might be nice and the bed is rather large" he says.

I examine the bed, I must admit, it is rather large for a hospital bed. I nod and scoot over, making room for him to climb in. He takes his shoes off before climbing in next to me. He wraps the blankets over himself before putting his arm around me. I move over, and snuggle up onto his chest. God he's so warm, and so comfy. "There, how's that?" He smiles. "Much better" I beam. You know, there's one thing about Cedric I like. He's so comforting. I always feel so relaxed and warm when I'm around him. Though, he's so easy to read. There's no excitement about him. I know that sounds awful but it's true.

"Hey y/n" he questions. "Yes?" I respond lowly. "You know, I really care about you. I really really do. In fact you seem to be constantly on my mind" he says. "Oh" I blush. "Yeah, well I- I was wondering if maybe you wanted to be my girlfriend?" He asks. Wow. Hmm. "Cedric, that's really lovely of you, but don't you feel that it's too soon? On top of that, I really don't think I'm the relationship type. I've never been in one before and I really want to focus on my studies" I reply. "Oh yeah, no of course that's fine" he sighs. Silence fills the air. "Can we just lie here a little longer? I really don't want to stop giving you affection" he says.

I look up at his beautiful grey eyes. His are warmer in colour than Draco's. Warmer in nature also. I see a glint of desperation in his eyes, he really has become rather attached to the idea of me, though I don't know how he'd feel if he knew who I really was inside. "Sure" I reply. If he wants to be affectionate then who am I to stop him? Maybe that's what I can do. Instead of cutting myself of completely from love, I can just keep it at arms length! Perfect! I can focus on my studies AND experience what love is too. Cedric smiles at me before cuddling in closer and closing his eyes. I do the same before we both drift off slowly into sleep.


"What is gods green earth is going on here?!" Madam Pomfrey shouts. I quickly jolt up, Cedric the same. "There is to be no fraternising in these hospital beds! Do you hear me?! As for you Cedric Diggory. You know very well that you are not to leave your common room in the middle of the night!" She exclaims. "No of course, I deeply apologise" he says before standing up and racing toward the door, Pomfrey following him closely all the way out. As he turns the corner, he shoots me a cheeky smirk. God that boy is gorgeous. "Boys these days!" Madam Pomfrey says before attending to my wounds. Boys these days indeed.

"Alright love, well your head injury seems to be fine and you only have a few small cuts and bruises. I believe you'd be able to go about your business today! I'll just change a few bandages and then you can leave" she says. "Okay thank you" I reply.

Class has already started when I am discharged from the infirmary, but I believe that I deserve a few classes off this morning. I make my way to the commons and walk up the stairs into my dorm. I try to open the door, but it seems to be stuck or possibly locked. Luckily for me, I had read the basic book of spells and learnt the door unlocking spell. I wave my wand at the lock and say the words "alohmora". Suddenly the lock clicks and I open the door.

Before me are two naked bodies, grinding ontop of each other. "Oh god!" I yell before covering my eyes. It was Pansy and Draco. "Y/n! I didn't think you'd be released so early!" Pansy shouts. "Are you clothed now?!" I yell. "Stop being such a frigid" Draco spits. Wow, low blow. "Just because I refuse to fuck you Draco doesn't mean I'm a frigid. It means I have some common sense and taste" I spit right back. His eyes turn black and he starts to ball his hands into fists. "Pansy I need to speak with y/n, meet me at potions in 10" he says. She doesn't dare respond, she just sits up and walks out toward the classroom.

"Draco I'm not interested in your games. I've come back to get some rest, I didn't sleep well last night" I say. "How could anyone sleep well when they've been woken up by Cedric Diggory" he spits. Wait? He knows? How? "How do you know" I reply. "Because I had the same idea as him. I had just walked around the corner toward the infirmary and I had seen Cedric in your bed cuddling you" he says. "Wait, you were coming to see how I was at 4am? Why?" I say. "To see if your head injury was bad enough for you to decide to fuck me, of course" he devilishly laughs.

My blood goes cold. He might think that's funny but that sounds a hell of a lot like rape. "Aww tough crowd?" He giggles. "Get out." I say lowly. "What was that? I thought I heard you say get out" he says annoyed. "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT" I scream as I raise my wand to him. I don't know any spells, and so I know it is an empty threat. Though he doesn't know that. "I wouldn't raise your wand at me" he says angrily. "I'll do whatever I want!" I yell before suddenly all the draws and doors inside the room begin to open and shut. "What are you doing?!" Draco shouts. "LEAVE NOW" I yell even louder. Draco quickly scurries out the door before yelling "you're fucking crazy!".

How did I just manage to do that? I don't even know any spells...

To assert dominance (Draco x Mattheo)Where stories live. Discover now