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The warm water Mary let fall from my shoulders down my body stung, but nothing stung more than not knowing where Draco was. Not knowing if he was safe, not knowing if my friends at Hogwarts are safe, not knowing what is going on beyond the walls of this mansion. The surprise Mattheo promised never came, he hasn't been back to see me since either. It truthfully is a relief. However, I haven't seen Mary since she washed me last. I miss her, she brought me the comfort I so desperately needed.

Every breath that exit my lungs feels heavy. As if time has slowed, and my breathing along with it. Like every exhale might be my last. My body feels numb. My mind doesn't stir, it is empty. No thoughts, no feelings, nothing.

I have been sat in the chair that overlooks the gardens. I haven't moved an inch. The room was newly decorated, including things I love. The fire place has been spelled to continue crackling away constantly, another thing I love. However the room does not have the one thing I love most, Draco. I let out an exasperated sigh. Too many times have I allowed the hope of being with Draco, and living in our remote haven together alone forever cloud reality. I'm stuck here, betrothed to Mattheo.

I miss hogwarts. I miss my friends. I miss the simple existence of arguing with Draco and attending my classes. I miss studying with Hermione. I just miss my life before this. Before Mattheo. I just don't understand how someone could have so much evil inside of them.

I hear a soft knock on my door. "Come in", I softly croak. Mattheo slowly opens the door and enters. His face is soft, his eyes slowly look at me. They're filled with a sadness, a panic, a worry. "S-sorry" he stutters. My body remains still, cautious. Not like him to be so gentle in nature. "How are you?, he says as he slowly walks toward me. I scoff, not even bothering to reply. "Y/n, I beg of you. I can't live like this anymore, I can't have the one person I love hate me. I know I've been horrible, I know I have. I'm so sorry, I really am and I want to start rebuilding what we had, what we lost", he says.

He's got this look in his eye, it's comforting. It's genuine, he's being genuine. My previously furrowed brows begin to soften. "I don't know if I ever could forgive you for what you've done, I'll never stop loving Draco", I begin to weap. Mattheo comes closer, and wraps his arms around me. I pull away. "Please", he says. He comes closer and pulls me into a hug. I don't hug him back but I absorb the olive branch.

"I want you to try to love me, please", he muffles with his head buried into my shoulder. It's still, the world. It's silent. My weaping turns to sobs. "I am in love with Draco", I say. Mattheo steps back, he sighs. "Okay", he speaks slowly. The kind demeanour has changed, only slightly. It's still outwardly calm and kind, but I can see the intentions change. Only ever so slightly. "I'll be back tomorrow, I have something for you. You may want to dress nicely and do your hair/makeup", he says. "Okay", I say with mild confusion. He walks out and closes the door behind him.

I wonder what this could be.

To assert dominance (Draco x Mattheo)Where stories live. Discover now