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Draco's POV

I woke in my bed. Staring at the ceiling. My eyes heavy and swollen. My father announced to me that she had been wed to that... that psychopath. The thought of him touching her delicate skin leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. The thought of it makes my blood boil. I will find a way into my home. I will break her out.

Y/n's POV

I didn't sleep. Every time Mattheo would roll over and his skin would touch mine, it made me feel ill. I sat on the toilet with the seat down for most of the night, crying into my hands. I was sobbing as silently as I could, careful not to wake Mattheo.

The morning light pours through the sheer green curtains, casting an emerald light on the room. I sit up, and stare at the rock on my finger. What had I done to lead me here? Was it purely my blood that created this fate? The legacy of my parents and their gifts? Wait... my gift. I had been pondering this all night, what I would do without my wand. I need to train my gift, finally try to control it. All this time it had been controlling me.

I look behind me as I approach the bathroom, and see Mattheo sleeping. I close the door quietly behind me, and splash my face with cold water. I look at the sink and see all my stuff on the counter and in the shower. Theo must have had my parent's house elf bring my belongings up overnight. I brush my hair and apply a light sheen of makeup on, enhancing my natural features. If I'm going to play the part as the obedient wife, I may as well do a good job at it.

I push my boobs up in the lace set, making them perk up a bit. I apply a light layer of blush and mascara to top it all off. Perfect. I slowly open the door and notice that Mattheo is no longer sleeping in the bed. Before I have time to process what's going on, Mattheo jumps out from behind the door and puts his hand on my throat. "Trying to look good for daddy hey?" He grins devilishly. My gut says no, but I decide to put on the show. I look deep into his eyes, and nod yes with a smirk. I take his other hand and put his finger in my mouth. I suck it slowly.

"Mmm fuck" he groans. Suddenly the throws me onto the bed. "Are you sure you want this? I won't be nice" he says. "Yes daddy" I moan. Without another word, or hesitation, he flips me so that I'm on my stomach and my legs are hanging off the edge of the bed. I hear his footsteps move across the room before he ties my hands behind my back.

He viciously rips the black lace shorts off of my body, along with my panties. I hear the click of a switch blade before he cuts my top off of me, along with the straps. Then the next few words he spoke were not what I had expected. "Don't cry". Suddenly, I feel the blade be dragged down, up and across my back, cutting into my flesh, grazing my bones. I cry, kick, scream and sob. He doesn't stop, the blade only digs deeper. It feels like he's writing something, but the pain is so overwhelming that I don't take too much notice of that.

"Please!!! Stop!!!!" I yell louder. "I'm almost done baby, shhh" he says. I sob harder and harder, before finally, it stops. My blood covers the sheets. He pulls my waist back, so that my knees meet the floor. I feel him tie my hair up, before saying "yeah that's right. I want to see my mark". The uncontrollable sobs shake my body to the core. "Why are you doing this, torturing me" I sob. "Because you're mine" he says before he harshly begins fucking me.

It takes my mind back to Jack, my rapist. How my mind would shut off while he would rape me harshly. The pain stopped after a while, after I took my mind some place else. A happy place. In this case, for me... it's Draco.

I shut my eyes tight, and begin to dream of Draco. His eyes, his hair, the beautiful way he looks at me. The way he's so gentle with me, as if I were made of glass and I was the most delicate thing on earth to him. I miss him. I miss the cuddles by the fire in the common room, I miss everything. I will find my way back to him.

To assert dominance (Draco x Mattheo)Where stories live. Discover now