Shalnark x gamer reader

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This suggestion was from the one and only amazing author who wrote one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE hunterxhunter book's @injjured he/she wrote an amazing book called 'hunter x hunter boyfriend scenarios!' Pleas go read it ITS FUCKING AMAZING!
This suggestion was also made by @u happy_vibe thank you guy's SO much for the suggestion's!!

Also sorry but I edited the story/ suggestion a little bit so I hope it's ok

Third person prospective

Shalnark had always come to the Tokyo arcade when he wasn't off helping the troop kill millions he was a very popular person every single game in the arcade he held the high score every game every plaque it had his name on it that's how he got the the title of 'the legendary gamer' ever video game weeb knew who he was so he found it rather odd when one day he walked into the arcade and no one came running up to him fan girling beging for an Autograph he also found it rather confusing that he couldn't see any one els in the arcade

Shalnark prospective

I walk around the arcade trying to find what's wrong 'are they closed? Did I accidentally brake in agin?' I think looking around when I hear lots of cheering 'hmm? Cheering?' I question following the cheer's i round a corrner and see a HUGE group of people circling around a game 'what are they watching?' I think making my way threw the crowd pushing my way to the inner circle I finally get close enough and I look to see a pretty (hair color) haired girl playing dance revolution...... AND BEATING MY HIGHT SCORE!!! 'How's that possible! No ones ever been able to beat on of my high scores! Who is she?' I think watching her quick movements 'wow she's fast!' I think as the song ends "SO!?! DID SHE DO IT!?! DID SHE REALLY DO IT!?!" Some people in the crowd ask and the score bored comes up
NEW HIGHT SCORE! (Gamer name) point total: 37598 1st place!

The legendary gamer point total: 37486 2nd place

My eye's widen when the new scores show up 'she-she! How!?!' I think as everyone starts to cheer for her as she turns around smiling waving to everyone "thanks! It's no big deal thow!" She smiles "u-umm? I'd like to challenge you" I say stepping forward out of the crowd "oh really? Well sure I'd love to! What's game you wanna play?" She ask's stepping of the dance platform walking up to me "you can pick" I smile "really? Well then?....... that one!" She says pointing to a brand new ga,e iv never seen before "you know how to play?" I ask confused "nope! No clue it's a new game wanna try it out?" She asks "sure" I say and we walk over to the game "pack man 9.0" i read "oh! It look's simple enough it's just a really big screen it's a two player pack man game one person is the ghosts and the other is the pack man then we trade places" she says looking at the instructions playing on the screen "wanna play?" She asks "yep! Seems fun" I smile sitting down at one of the controllers "ready?" I ask and she nod's smiling

time skip (u) prospective

"I win!" I smile jumping around in a circle throwing my fits into the air victoriously "h-how'd you do that?!" The blond boy asks "huh? What?" I ask "what you just did you teleported!" He says "oh! You didn't know? Well I guess not many people do did you see the tiny tiny white dot on the screen?" I ask and he nods "well you'll only see that on Versions 7 and up most people think it's a glitch but if you right click the left gear controller at the exact same time the pack man is on the tiny white dot you'll teleport to the right corner of the screen" I say "wow! Really?! How'd you know this? Should you really be telling me this?!" He asks "wow lot a question's hehe! well first yes it really works but takes practice I know this because I accidentally right clicked the left controller one time while playing and i teleported I tryed the same thing agin and found out it wasn't a glitch and I I really don't care if you know about it you seem nice so it's fine besides it's more fun to play aginst good players! Thanks a lot it was really fun!" I smile "oh um no problem would you um like to play agin tomorrow maybe?" The blond asks smiling sheepishly "sure! I'd love to! What time?" I ask "same time tomorrow!" He smiles "it's on!"

Time skip the next day Shalnark prospective

I walk into the arcade and look around I spot the (hair color) in the corner of the arcade drinking a milkshake I smile and walk over to her sitting down infront of her "oh wow! Your here already! It's pretty early I thought we agreed on same time?" She asks "well yes but I thought I might come early look's like we both had the same idea" I smile "heh! Yeah look's like it" she says "oh yeah I frogot to ask yesterday what's your name?" I question "oh I'm so sorry I didn't introduce my self my names (u) but I go by (gamer name) what's your name?" She asks "my names Shalnark but you can call me Shal!" I smile "hmph! Well it's nice to meet you Shal what game you wanna play first?" (u) asks standing up "hmm? I guess that game time skip you'v played games with eatch other ALL day it's almost midnight "what do you wanna play next?" I ask looking around but I don't get a response "(u)?" I question looking at her and catch her stairing at a Crain game "haha you wanna play that one I'm guessing?" I ask And she nod's with a blush making me smile even more I walk up to the machine trying to find what she was looking at 'ah! That one!' I think

I walk into the arcade and look around I spot the (hair color) in the corner of the arcade drinking a milkshake I smile and walk over to her sitting down infront of her "oh wow! Your here already! It's pretty early I thought we agreed on same time...

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Pick one if you dare! 1 2
3 4

Time skip 1 minute (u) prospective

"Shal I really don't need it I'm fine promise I-" "Here it's yours!" He says handing me the soft plushy and I can't help but blush hiding my face behind the stuffy "your adorable! Tomorrow same time?" Shal ask's and I nod keeping the stuffy infront of my face "heh! Well I'll see you tomorrow (u)!" Shal waves leaving the arcade

The next day Shal prospective

I walk into the arcade with a smile hiding my surprise behind my back and I spot (u) in the same spot as yesterday waving at me "over here Shal!" She smiles and I walk over to her "umm?...... what cha got there?" She ask's trying to see what I have "Heh! Don't worry I'll tell you later just let me sit down first" I smile sitting down next to the (hair color) "I was wondering instead of playing at the arcade today would you wanna go to the cafe down the street?" I ask "oh yeah sure that sounds fun! Iv never been there before" she says "well then come on" I say gettinv up and we walk out the door and over to the small pastel cafe "wow! It's so kiwii!" (u) smiles looking around the coffee shop "yeah I come here on Mondays! I thought you'd like to come" I smile and a waiter seats us "can I get you something to drink?" He asks taking a slip of paper from his pocket "strawberry lemonade!" I smile "and you?" The waiter asks looking at (u) "umm?..... the blubbery lemonade" she says after scanning the menu and the waiter nod's walking away "so you come here a lot huh?" (u) asks "yes quite often" I smile

Time skip your done eating what ever you ordered and now your just talking with Shal
(U) prospective

"So Shal was this the surprise?" I ask and he shakes his head no "really? What els could you have planed?" I ask "this might sound strange but do you trust me?" He ask's "uh? Yes I do but-" "then close your eye's" he inturupts "Shal? What are you up to now?" A smile "Just close your eye's you'll see!" He smiles and i close my eye's with a smile "so Shal what's the-" HE KISSED ME!!!

Shal prospective
I kissed her

I pull away from the kiss and she opens her eye's blushing like crazy "u-umm...... so...... you feel..... the same way?" She asks "yes, you know your adorable when you blush!"

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