When he's sick

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-he is never sick
-it's like he's not even human!
-in all the years you'v known him he's never even had a cough
-and when you ask him if he's ever been sick
-he just shrugs and tells you he can't remember the last time he was
-but he kinda wishes he were to get sick so that he'd have an excuse for you to take care of him
-he's considered faking illness for your attention
-buts never went threw with it


-he tries ignoring the fact that he's sick
-he's so focused on work and revenge that he doesn't take care of himself
-so you have to take care of him
-he tries pretending like he's not sick so you won't hassle him
-but you always end up finding out or getting sick your self
-and so then he feels bad and agrees to stay home
-you have to keep a very close eye on him tho
-because if you don't he'll try helping you around the house
-you often have to ground him to his room so he doesn't worsen his illness
-it's hard work taking care of him but somehow you manage


-Killua never gets sick...


-Gon hardly gets sick
-if he is he doesn't notice
-it's like he's completely unaware of the fact that he has a temperature
-your normally the one to find out
-you'll be hugging Gon and notice that he's a bit warm
-and just like you thought when you take his temperature he has a fever
-he's always frazzled by this because he feels perfectly fine
-And he always gets over his sickness as quickly as he gets it
-but when he is Ill you have to make him soup
-he'll only eat if it's soup
-he thinks it's the coolest thing to be sick and have soup
-his aunt thinks he's just weird about it tho

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