Shalnark And Feiten Catch Up Part| 1

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How You Met:


-Chrollo had called everyone to gather so he could explain the plans for an upcoming mission
-he neglected to mention the fact that he would be having an outsider help the group for this particular mission
-and so everyone was surprised when they found in there base
-was a gamer looking girl with with head phones around her neck bubble gum in her mouth and a laptop under her arm
-everyone blinked in surprised and shalnark almost shrieked in delight
-but he restrained him self seeing as how there was a meeting going on
-"everyone this is (u) she'll be our new member" Chrollo introduced as you had blown a bubble with your gum
-"sup I'm (u) it's nice to meet you guys" you'd smiled after popping the bubble you'd blown
-everyone seems a bit unenthusiastic but Shal was shaking with excitement
-he was the only one who recognized who you were
-the famous gamer and YouTuber with 82 million subscribers
-who shalnark had followed on every social media platform and idolized and supported for years
-"for this assignment (u) I want you to be shalnark's partner" Chrollo said pointing to the star struck boy
-and his face turned red as you turned to look at him
-you'd looked at Shal for a second before smiling offering a small wave of your hand
-during the mission as you were helping shalnark to hack into a computer Shal couldn't resist
-"do you... recognize the user name ShalPhone11?" He'd asked so nervous of your reaction that he couldn't look at you
-you thought for a moment before your eyes widen "I do!!" You'd beamed in realization
-"in the 2019 VidCon I played against an epic anonymous user with that name!" You gasped turning to Shal with wide eyes "your?"
-shalnark smiled brightly overjoyed that you remembered him from that long ago and nodded eagerly
-"I'm ShalPhone11 iv been following you sence your 8th video was released 9 years ago I was your 7th follower!" He told you
-after that you both talked for hours and you ended up recognizing him
-as one of the people you met at VidCon
-every year he'd taken a selfie with you at the convention
-and you both played video games all night and even relaxed a YouTube video with Shal being a guest
-the video went viral with in the hour of its release
-and immediately fan art of your ship started blowing up on the internet


-you and feitan both grew up in meteor city
-the both of you were abandoned by your families
-you'd been 6 years old wandering around the streets with tears in your eyes looking for your parents
-feitan had been taking shelter in an ally after stealing some bread
-the shop keeper was still running around the streets trying to find the little thief
-but as he was sitting poking his head out of the ally to see if the coast was clear he spotted you
-he avoided eye contact with you hoping you would just walk by him
-but you stopped and stood infront of him tears brimming your eyes as you clutched your shirt in your balled fists
-"d-do you know-know where my parents a-are?" You'd asked him but he continued trying to ignore you hoping you'd go away
-th- they left me outside of the- the church and told me t-to wait there for them there" you'd hiccuped trying to catch your breath
-"b-but it's been t-two days" your voice cracked them and your eyes flowed with even more tears
-you were going to cry agin and feitan could hear the stall keeper he stole from
-he couldn't have you crying and giving him away so he pulled you into the ally
-"shh!" He urged "here... have some" he said braking off a piece of the bread handing it to you
-your eyes welled with even more tears surprised by his kindness "just-.... Don't cry" feitan pleaded hearing the shouting shop keeper
-with out a doubt he'd be running down the street with a stick in hand to beat the kid who stole his food
-and feitan didn't want to get caught
-you nodded and sat in silence savoring the small bit of bread feitan gave to you as he ate as well
-you'd finished the small chunk and feitan was still eating you just stared at him for a while
-and he sighed giving you half the bread
-and so after that you both grew up together trying to survive the streets
-and eventually joined a small gang of kids who called them selves the phantom troupe
-the lot of you all protected one another and we're close enough to be called family
-but feitan and your relationship was different than everyone else's
-you and feitan were inseparable
-if one of you were away from the other it wasn't for good reasons
-you both grew up spending so much time together
-that you never felt hole with out the other person around you
-and so you both joined the troupe as one member both sharing the same number
-and everyone agreed that it seemed fitting
-eventually the small town gang of riff raff's grew up to be the well feared phantom troupe
-and both you and feitan are founding members

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