Coming to the relization you'v fallen for each other

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           When he relized:
-chrollo fell for your smile and your kindness
-unlike everyone else you didn't treat him like your boss or a murderer
-you seemed to consider him to be your friend and even showed kindness towards him
-one thing he'd not received very much of in his life
-the moment he realized his feelings was when he was injured one day
-he came back to the base with a small gash on his shoulder
-some random thug had decided to pull a blade out on him
-he was perfectly fine but you were concerned
-you'd sat next to him like usual but you started rummaging threw your bag
-"what are you looking for?" Chrollo asked looking over your shoulder
-"this" you said taking some bandages out of your bag
-chrollo was confused when you asked for his arm but he reluctantly extended his hand towards you
-chrollo sat in surprise and disbelief as you cleaned his injury and wrapped his arm in bandages
-it was then he realized just how fond he was of you
-he was a bit embarrassed being tended to but thankfully there were only a few members present at the time
-and they pretended not to notice for the sake of there bosses pride
When you realized:
-you fell for chrollo's small acts of kindness and the respect he has for you
-you had just got back from a mission that went horribly wrong
-immediately apon entering all eyes were on you
-your cloths were in taters and you were just bearly decently covered
-but that didn't stop the nose bleeds and the Pervy comments coming from Hisoka
-the girls were trying to find something you could cover your self with but they came up empty handed
-you sighed sitting next to chrollo the only man in the building who hadn't looked at you with googly eyes
-when he did look from his book and at you he was surprised and stiffened then gave you his coat and looked away as you put it on
-you had to admit it was warm and a little too big to fit you properly but it was extremely comfortable and it covered everything
-"thank you chrollo" you mumbled with pink cheeks as you hid your face in the fur of the coat
-"don't mention it..." chrollo said before he returned to reading his book


When he realized:
-Kirapika realized he liked you because of your patience and acceptance
-you were walking home with Kirapika one night when you finally asked what you'd been wanting to know for weeks
-"Kirapika" you called and he hummed in questioning
-"your eyes turned red when I first met you why?" You asked and Kirapika looked at you in surprise then he sighed
-"you saw huh? I didn't think you'd noticed" Kirapika admitted as he scratched the back of his neck
-"sorry is it personal?" You questioned
-Kirapika didn't say anything he just nodded
-"I'll... tell you when I think it's relevant" he said
-and a few weeks later it became relevant
-some guys trying to steal his eyes for a bounty followed you and him one night as you were walking home
-Kirapika told you to run to your apartment and he'd explain everything
-a few minutes later after waiting for what felt like for ever Kirapika knocked on your door
-you let him in and both sat down
-"I told you I'd explain... so I guess this is better Time than any" he said
-he took a deep breath closing his baby blue eyes and when he opened them they were crimson red
-you looked at him in astonishment
-"I'm the last living member of the curt clan that was massacred" Kirapika said sadly
-with out saying anything you hugged Kirapika he was surprised then tears welled in his eyes and he returned your embrace
-he'd never felt so understood and accepted
When you realized:
-you fell in love with Kirapika's strong sense of loyalty
-you'd only known Kirapika for a few months but you felt so close to him
-he was always told you the truth even if it may be a bit harsh
-you were walking down the street when a girl around your age who seemed a bit high approached you and Kirapika
-she was stumbling over words but she was extremely pretty
-with gorgeous long red hair and curves that made her look like a Barbie doll
-her eyes were a beautiful Safire blue and freckles kissed her entire face
-she had lipstick and a low "V" neck dress on with a short skirt so short if she bent down you were positive you could see her under wear
-Kirapika didn't even spare her a glance as you both walked by her but then she called out
-she only got a few words out of her mouth before Kirapika interrupted
-"I'm sorry I'm not interested" he put simply and coldly before grabbing your hand walking away
-after nether of you could see the pretty girl he let go of your hand
-"you don't need to feel insecure" he said keeping his eyes on the street ahead
-you don't know how he could read you so easily but he somehow knew how you were feeling
-right then you realized what a genuinely good person Kirapika is


When he realized:
-Killua fell for you because of your strong will and care for him
-one day you climbed over the gate to meet up with Killua but standing next to him was an older boy with long black hair
-you looked at Killua in confusion "tell her what we discussed Killua" the older boy said
-killua shook with anger as he clenched his fists you took a step closer
-"leave (u)! And don't come back! Your not welcome here!" Killua warned but his lip quivered
-"no" you stated firmly "I won't leave"
-"little girl you have been told to leave at this point I can use force to remove you from the property" the boy said and killuas eyes widened
-"leave (u)!!" He begged with desperate eyes but you firmly stood and shook your head
-"I'm not leaving Killua your my friend" you stated glaring at the black haired male
-and Killua froze in fear as the older male approached you
-"if you don't leave right now I'll remove you myself" the boy said staring at you with his cold black eyes
-"I refuse" you barked "don't fight it (u) just go!" Killua shouted
-"your my friend Killua friends don't abandon friends" you smiled and killuas eyes widened
-that was all the reassurance he needed to hear
-in a split second Killua appeared in between me and the older boy
-"I want (u) to stay" Killua glared up at his older brother
-"I see... if you intend to let her remain here don't let mother find out" illumi warned
When you realized:
-Killua's sarcastic and humorous personality made you fall for him
-every conversation no matter how dull or boring or sad he can make fun
-no matter how sad you are he can always brighten your day and cheer you up
-one time you were really depressed because fluffy was sick and he wasn't getting better no matter what you did
-after Killua tried trying to talk you out of if you decided you wouldn't leave the property until fluffy got better
-so you stayed on the mountain for a few days with Killua accompanying you
-when ever he sensed someone near by he'd scoop you up and hide with you in the tree tops
-you were getting more concerned and upset as time went by
-you stopped eating for the most part so Killua practically had to force feed you
-Killua then decided enough was enough he spent the entire last half of the day playing with you making you laugh and giggle
-by the end of the day you were back to your normal smiling giggly (u) self
-when you finally got some time to think about the day you relized just how hard Killua was trying to make you happy
-you smiled as you drifted to sleep snuggled up with fluffy thinking about you newly recovered feelings for Killua


When he realized:
-he fell for you because of your kind heart
-you were just hanging out with Gon and Killua when you three came across a hurt bird
-Killua suggested putting it out of its misery but you quickly objected to that idea
-"we can't kill the poor thing! I'll take care of it" you said scooping the bird up
-you cradled the small bird in your hands as you three walked back to where you were staying
-that night at dinner you stuffed some bread into your pocket
-the next morning you ran into Gon and killua's room smiling and beaming as you held the bird proudly in your hands
-Killua was annoyed you woke him up so early to show off a stupid bird but gon was glad to see you so gleeful
-a few days later you and Gon were setting the healthy bird free
-Gon noticed how his feelings towards you were different than his feelings towards Killua
-he loved how your such a kind a loving person
When you realized:
-you fell for gon's love for his friends
-you Gon Killua Kirapika and leoreo had just entered the meeting area for the Hunter exams
-everyone stared at you 5
-some snickered and laughed some smirked and some pitied the soon to be lost youth
-Killua simply didn't care about the comments Kirapika pretended not to notice and Leoro was slowly getting fed up
-but Gon was the one to speak up
-"don't underestimate us! Me and my friends will pass this exam just you wait and see!" Gon shouted clenching his fists
-you suddenly felt more wanted and appreciated more than you ever had before
-you realized just how much Gon cared about you and the others

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