When he Accidentally hurts you

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-you chrollo and some of the other members were on a mission to steal from a famous museum
-you and Chrollo were stealing some of the more valuable items guarded by elites
-while the other troop members took care of the pawns and stole what ever they came across
-you walked at chrollo's side to the main hall of the museum that held the most valuable treasures
-"any thing you want?" Chrollo had asked as you both neared the hall
-you thought for a second then smiled and shook your head
-you never really wanted the things the troop stole you just had fun helping
-chrollo nodded and the both of you entered the hall
-it was filled with a few maybe 7 historical treasures at most
-there was a single guard But he had an intense aura that even put Chrollo on high alert
-"(u)" Chrollo called eyeing the gaurd "you go on and collect the items" he instructed
-you looked at Chrollo for a second debating but you had the utmost faith in his abilities
-so you went on and began to brake the glass cases
-the gaurd tried stopping you but Chrollo kept you covered
-as you were taking the last of everything you felt a strong wave of nen rushing towards your back
-your eyes widened and a gasp escaped your lips
-you knew you had to get out of the way so as fast as you could manage you tried dodging
-you just bearly got away in the Nick of time
-but as what you relized was one of chrollo's nen fish tore flash from your arm
-it wasn't much just a small gash but enough that you panicked for a second
-chrollo was content looking at his book while his nen fish ate away at the gurd
-but when you walked up to him and he saw your arm he was stunned for a second
-he couldn't say anything internally he was a bit panicked
-but he reminded calm
-thankfully because of the nen he was using you couldn't feel the intense pain inflicted upon your arm
-you didn't snap at Chrollo since it wasn't his fault but he knew it partially was since he was careless
-chrollo took a minute to decide what to do
-he decided it best that you go to machi and get fixed up then he would release his nen
-thankfully machi was near by and she had no problem stitching you right up
-when Chrollo reluctantly closed his nen book you were completely fine
-from then on he was very carful what nen he used around you


-honestly I don't think he would or could ever do anything to hurt you
-he such a sweet boy he's very conscious about where you are relevant to him
-so he's very aware of his surroundings and's never caused you pain


-you were planing to play a prank on Killua as revenge for all the times he's played some cruel game with you
-you had a blow horn and a brand new bottle of shaving cream in hand as you waited patiently for Killua to take his usual nap
-you could bearly contain your giggles as you snuck up behind him
-he was lying peacefully on the couch sound asleep and you almost didn't want to wake him
-but recalling all the many times killua's left toy spiders in the bath tub or replaced your hand soap with syrup...
-well you didn't feel so bad then
-you watched Killua for a second just to make sure he was fully asleep
-and then you blew the blow horn scaring even the birds outside and got ready to spray Killua with shaving cream but-
-the next thing you knew something sharp was pressed against the side of your neck and blood was drawn
-you gasped and killua's eyes widened realizing the situation
-he quickly retracted his nails witch he's pricked your skin with and back away a bit
-you werent hurt bad at all he only drew a few drops of blood and it didn't hurt
-but as you looked at Killua he looked horrified and guilt stricken
-it wasn't exactly his fault since you had startled him and to be fair you didn't really think your plan threw
-all that was going threw Killua's mins was that he could have seriously hurt you
-he could have even killed you if he hadn't realized it was you a second sooner
-Killua didn't know what to say
-he was frozen in place worrying about what he had just and what he could have done
-you saw what was running threw killuas head and knew you'd made a mistake surprising him like you had
-you wiped the little blood away from your neck and smiled "Killua look! I'm fine" you grinned
-Killua's eyes finally came back into focus
-his hand twitched and he grimaced
-with out a word Killua grabbed a first aid kit
-there really was no need it was only a pin prick
-but if it made Killua feel better you let him
-after that incident Killua was a little distant for a while
-but he eventually warmed back up to you
-he hasn't laid a threatening hand you you sense
-and he's learned to memorize your aura


-you and Gon were having some time away from the big cities
-you were both visiting his aunt at whale island
-Gon thought it would be fun to go fishing like old times
-he asked if you wanted to come along and you agreed
-you'd Gon fishing a few times before and enjoyed the sport
-but Gon got much more of a kick out of the thrill
-it was about three hours after the bait hit the water the a fish pulled at the line
-Gon immediately jumped up and grabbed the pole sense he was the closest
-he yanked the pole with a bit too much force too quickly
-the line snapped causing it to whip back and smack you across the caller bone
-you let out a surprised and pained Yelp
-Gon was immediately analyzing the red mark forming on you
-he apologized and felt really bad and took you back to his aunts to get you bandaged up
-you were alright it just stung a bit but Gon still felt bad
-he looked after you for a while after just to make sure you weren't in any pain

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