When he finds out your a kurt

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-chrollo was horrified when he found out that you are a part of the Kurt clan
-you were on a mission and became so infuriated that your eyes glowed crimson
-chrollo was entranced by how beautiful your eyes were
-then he remember that he and the spiders had slaughtered a clan with your same red eyes
-he was stunned as the realization hit him
-after the mission chrollo apologized and came clean thinking that you had no idea what he'd done
-this was the first time he'd ever actually felt sorry for anything he'd done wrong in his life
-you had to admit you were very upset when your faimly was killed and you blamed Chrollo for the longest time
-all you wanted was revenge
-but when you finally met your foe your anger fizzled away
-even after your reassurance Chrollo was distant towards you for a while out of shame
-he couldn't look you in the eye for a long time
-and every time your eyes glow crimson he can't help but feel regretful
-and that feeling of shame has never quite faded
-but he's sworn to try and help collect your family members eyes


-when you admitted to Kirapika that you were a curt he was in shock
-he was speechless for a while and you didn't know what to say ether
-once Kirapika processed the information he pulled you into a bear hug making it near impossible to breath
-he had tears in his eyes as he mumbled overjoyed remarks to himself
-you had a single picture of your clan and it was a group photo with everyone in it
-you pointed yourself out to Kirapika and he found himself in the picture
-you both also had lots of fun child hood stories to laugh over
-there were a few tears shed during the conversation but for the most part you were both mutually happy
-and at first the only think Kirapika had felt when you told him you were a curt was bliss
-but as time passed he began to worry about you getting targeted for your rare eyes
-he gave you some contacts and told you to be very careful
-he's deathly afraid the phantom troupe may get word of you some day
-so he's even more determined to avenge his and your family


-when Killua saw your eyes glow red he was super suprised
-he really didn't know what to do or what it ment or how to handle the situation
-Killua tired his best to calm you and not make you mad
-after you relaxed and your eyes returned to there normal color Killua called Kirapika
-he explained that you were a Kurt and Kirapika didn't believe him at first
-he thought Killua was pulling his leg
-so Kirapika hung up on Killua
-Killua was pissed and gave up on getting any advice from Kirapika
-he was pretty nervous but asked you about your eyes
-you gladly explained all that you knew about them
-Killua informed you that Kirapika was also a curt and you were very happy
-the next time you saw Kirapika you proved to him that you were a curt
-he was stunned and Killua won't stop nagging him about hanging up on him
-he's still mad about it


-when you told Gon that your a curt he was thrilled
-he was so exited he didn't even bother to tell you where he was taking you when he dragged you out of the apartment
-the first thing Gon did after you told him you were a curt was have you tell Kirapika
-you insisted that you didn't want to tell him sence it wasn't his business
-but Gon quickly explained Kirapika is also a part of the curt clan
-you were shocked and in tears finding out you had a living brother
-Kirapika didn't understand what was happening when you hugged him while crying
-Gon apologized and filled him in
-Kirapika then understood the situation and was also brought to tears
-from then on Kirapika acted as your brother and was a bit protective
-he also became even more motherly towards you witch you didn't really mind

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