When They Want Your Attention

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-Chrollo doesn't constantly seek your attention
-typically your the one looking for his attention sense he always has his nose in a book
-but sometimes he wants to be the center of your attention
-he'll never admit to that out loud tho
-but he gives subtle hints 
-and you always catch on rather quickly witch chrollo's appreciative of
-he likes your skill of being able to understand him even when other people can't


-Kirapika gets all the attention he wants
-because he isn't home as much as other boyfriends are
-you both shower one another in affection and attention when you have the opportunity
-so there's no neglect happening with the two of you 


-Killua is always too embarrassed to ask for your attention
-he doesn't want to seem needy or clingy
-so he pretends he doesn't need your attention even tho he might really want it
-but you often see past that lie and pamper him


-if Gon wants your attention he literally just out right asks
-he rarely feels the need to ask sense his usually never lacking in your attention
-but every so often he's randomly walk up to you hug you and mumble that he wants your attention
-to witch you always oblige

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