When you get arested

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-as soon as he hurd he was quite amused it's not very like you to get caught
-but he knew there was no time to laugh sence it wouldn't be long til you were tortured for information on the troupe
-so Chrollo gathered the troupe and with in the hour had tracked you down
-you were in a heavily secure prison in the secret underground facilities
-chrollo casually walked down the halls as the troupe massacred the place And he happened to be just in time
-you were strapped to an execution chair as a guy picked up a potato peeler from the many odd options of tools he had laid out
-'interesting feitan may like to hear of this idea' Chrollo thought
-but before he could see how well the method worked Chrollo made his presence known clearing his throat
-the guy who was supposed to get the troupes were abouts from you jumped in surprise dropping the potato peeler
-you let out a slight smile of relief
-"cutting it a bit close don't you think?" You asked as Chrollo walked over to the trembling man backing him into a corner
-"apologizes love it took longer to locate you than I thought" Chrollo said removing the potato peeler from the man's eye socket
-letting him fall to the ground with a bloody thud and you sat up the belts tying you to the chair snapping
-it's not your first time being sent to the slammer


-Kirapika was utterly baffled when he got a call from you from inside of a police station
-you'd explained the situation to him and he was still in disbelief
-even as he bailed you out he still didn't understand how you'd gotten there to begin with
-He wasn't too upset he's knows that you must have a good reason
-Your not the kinda person who would commit a crime just for the hell of it
-so Kirapika was very curious to know your reason for being behind bars
-when you told him what you'd done it made a lot more sense
-and he was upset with the police for arresting you when you weren't the person in the wrong
-he's told you now how to avoid cops and make it to were you can't be convicted for a crime


-Killua couldn't stop laughing when he found out you'd been arrested
-he and Gon both went to bail you out
-and even seeing you behind bars Killua burst out laughing
-you were so embarrassed because of him
-that you refused to talk with him
-even when he was trying to hold back laugher you were still angry
-so you told Gon who told Killua why you were arrested
-and agin he started laughing his face turning red from the lack of oxygen
-"I can't!- I can't breath" he gasped inbetween fits of laughter
-your face was beet red as you knocks him in the head
-he stopped laughing after that


-Gon wasn't phased finding out that you'd been arrested
-he knows your a good person and would never do anything remotely bad
-so he figured there must have been some sort of mix up
-and so he gladly bailed you out
-he asked why you'd been detained in the first place
-he was shocked when you told him the charges
-but he understood when you explained the whole situation to him
-he jokes about it with you every now and then


-he wasn't too surprised when he Hurd that you'd been arrested
-he knew that at the time you'd been getting into some illegal websites
-and he knows that your very good at sweet talking people
-so he wasn't too shocked to see you'd taken a selfie with a cop of yourself in jail wearing your orange jumper grinning
-the photo went viral tagged as "ha ha just got on shoot for my next video #under arrest"
-so while all yours fans believed it was all props shalnark knew otherwise
-you'd taken the photo to get that point across to shalnark sense you couldn't exactly call him from the jail
-so shalnark asked a favor of the troupe to help him break you out
-but he thought you looked pretty cute in your little orange jumper


-feitan wasn't amused when he hurd you'd been arrested
-he'd sighed walking out of the base grumpily
-pissed that he had to go threw the hassle of getting you out
-the others offered to assist him
-but he wanted to have his fun
-so you sat board out of your mind in a cell for hours
-listen to the screams of agony coming from every officer feitan crossed
-by the time he got to you you'd already wriggled your self threw the bars


-illumi didn't particularly care that you got arrested
-he brushed it off as no big deal and had one of the butlers get you out
-when you got back home illumi never even mentioned it
-it was like he was completely in phased by the fact you were arrested
-and if you were being honest it wasn't your first time getting arrested
-and it's sure not gonna be your last
-illumi's used to it by now

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