Chapter 17

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*Casey's POV*
Today was the day! It was finally time for magcon. I grabbed my last suitcase and threw it in my car. I then went inside to say goodbye to my family. "Bye mom, bye dad, bye Coco" I said as I hugged all of them. "Coco don't worry I'll c ya soon!" I said and hugged my older sister. "I know I'm just a little worried about collage that's all" she responded and I looked her in the eye. "Coco UR so nice, funny, and perfect!" I said which made her smile. Did I forget to mention that my sister is like a Victoria's Secret model. She has long, straight brunette hair, bright blue eyes, and tan skin. She has the perfect body and personality. To be honest, sometimes she makes me feel really self conscious. I know she isn't trying to but I guess perfect just can't help the effect they have on imperfects.
When I arrived at Taylor's house I decided to leave my bags in the car so he can get them out for me. I jogged up to his house and knocked on the front door. A few seconds later his mom answered it. "Hey case!" She said hugging me. "Hi mrs. Caniff". "Taylor is in his bedroom packing up a few things" said his mom and I nodded and made my way up the stairs. When I got to his room I knocked slightly then just pushed the door open. When I got in I saw a shirtless Taylor holding two shirts. "Hey babe can you help me?" Tay asked and I nodded. "Ok which shirt should I wear, this one?" He said and held up a teal blue young and reckless t-shirt, "or this one?" He said and held up a yellow Abercrombie one. "Hmmm I like shirtless tay" I said with a smirk and he rolled his eyes. "But I guess the blue" I said and he threw it over his head. "Ok let's goo!" He screamed and I just giggled. We both grabbed some of his bags and walked downstairs to say bye to his family.
When we finally made it to the airport and went through security we saw all the guys waiting by the gate. "It's about time the love birds get here" said Carter with a smirk. "CARTAH don't do that!" Yelled his mom and we all laughed. "Carter where is UR mom?" I asked and he pointed to his phone. "Ohh Hi Mrs. Reynolds" I said with a smile and she waved. I went to sit next to Taylor but both Jacks were sitting on both of his sides so I decided to sit next to Matt. "Hey Matty" I said and kissed his cheek. "Heyyyy" he said in his girly voice and I just laughed. "UR a weirdo matt" I said in between laughs."thanks I try" he said and I smiled at him.

*Matt's POV*
Gosh she was so perfect. Everything about her. Her long blonde hair, the sparkle in her hazel eyes, and most of all her smile. I really like her, and always have. I'm so dumb for ever bullying her. I'm so glad she's my friend again and I'm gonna do whatever it takes for Casey Lockwood to be mine.
*Casey's POV*
"Matt,matt" I said waving my hands in front of his face. "Huh?" He said blinking his eyes looking confused. "Cmon our plane is boarding" I said and we both got up and made our way into the plane. I found out that I was sitting next to Taylor and Sammy. Yay! When the plane finally started I put my beats in and laid my head on Taylors cheast. He softly stroked my hair which made me really sleepy. "All of me loves all of..." And then everything went black.
LAST CALL FOR GF'S! They will be in the next chapter! If ur interested comment : name, age, hair eye color, hobbies/ interests/ etc. and grade. Ily babes😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️💁💁🐳💤✌️

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