Part 20

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Hello friends, I hope you all are fine, Thank you as usual and I love you.

R's pov

He tried to move angrily but I held his hand again.

R: Vansh, We have to know why she is doing all this, Besides I know something now. Watch this video, it's from the laptop. Sejal wanted to show us this (pointing toward the screen at a girl).

I zoomed in on her face and he was shocked.

V: Ishaani? I am confused, she was with mom, SHe said she saw the car. Actually, she was the one who gave me the car's registration number.

I looked at him feeling sorry, he can't believe his eyes and I can understand why? Betrayal is the most painful feeling, I felt it too when I thought Vansh played me.

R: Vansh, we can't say anything yet, She has a partner. The watchman is sure that the person who killed Sejal was a man. She shared the information with her partner and he killed her and broke the laptop, He must have thought that he got rid of the evidence too. One more thing, you have to watch it fully.

He started watching it again, Ishaani added something to my drink and let me drank she took my keys And went out.

V(stunned): She took your car? At 11:45 pm, it means she hit my mom?

R: Yes, she is the driver who hit your mom.

V(crying): She called me saying that a car hit my mom and run away. She called me at 12:30 pm, she left mom bleed before calling me.

R: So evil, what enmity she has with you?

V: First how did you know, she is the culprit?

R: Our meeting with Sejal was supposed to be known by the two of us, the day we were planning to go, I found her near our room but I ignored it. Moreover when I found out that there is someone attacking mom.

Fb starts

Before going to Sejal's house to bring the laptop,I decided to know who behind this,I came closer to the nurse. Showing her an injection bottle.

R: Do you know what's this?

Nu: No 

R: This a quick treatment, it will help her to wake up faster.

Her face was showing tension and I completed my act.

R: Then mom will make us reach the culprit soon. Anyway, now I have some work I will have to go.

Making sure I am not around her, she took out her phone.

Nu: Ishaani Mme, Riddhima Mme brought another medicine for her, she said she will wake up soon.

Nu: I can't Inject her anymore, because Riddhima Mme forbids me from doing it.

Nu: You will do it? Ok, Mme.

Fb ends

R: I wanted to show you how low she stooped, yet we have to know who is helping her. Who is this partner?

I's pov

Sweet aunt, you have to die, I am fed up with your so-called sweetness, I hate you and your son. I was supposed to be the owner of all this property. I remembered what my real mother Chanchal was telling me.

Chan: Look, don't ever trust them, see your aunt has cheated on me and marry Vansh's father, she is rich and we are poor now.

I: But mom, she looked nice.

Chan: She is just acting, my child, don't ever trust her.

my mom was right, she was a bloody traitor. I vowed to take revenge and I will take it. Even this Riddhima will not be spared. This is Love & hatred's game,& I will be the winner.

I took my phone out

K's pov

Fb starts

After meeting Vansh,I called someone.

K: Look, I want to know everything about them. Just inform me immediately.

Person: In return I want you to get rid of Vansh,Jail or grave I don't care. Only in this case, I will help you to bring distance between them.

K: I will do it for you, don't worry.

Fb ends

I sat remembering the day I promised Riddhima to kill Vansh. hence I found who can help me, I found a girl waiting for me.

Gir: I have an undeniable proposal for you.

K: Who are you?

Gir: Come on, we will be partners, you can be more gentle.

I glared at her and she chuckled.

Gir: To which extent you can go to have Riddhima by your side?

K: Murdering.

Gir: Great, This is what I want.

K: What?

Girl: You have seen that Riddhima started having feelings for Vansh, I will help you to make them apart, You can have her, But in one condition.

K: What?

Gir: Vansh must be dead or jailed.

K: Who are you?

Gir: First, tell me a deal or no deal?

K: Deal. Now at least I have to know your name.

Gir: Look at me closely, don't you remember seeing me somewhere?

K(he observed me confused then exclaimed): you are the girl from that night, goons right?

Gir: Right Now the full introduction, I am Ishaani, Vansh's cousin aka sister.

I looked at her strangely, who can plot against her brother, how can she be loyal to me?

I: He deserves to die, They snatched everything from my mother.

K: This is your personal matter, I will help you with other things, but keep me updated.

I came back to the present, I committed a crime. For my love caressing the photos of her which is all hanging on the wall.

K: I am sorry, My love. I can do anything to gain you back, You are Kabir's, only mine. You cried seeing your friend's corpse, It was necessary to shut her mouth.

I's pov

Poor you Kabir, You think I am doing all this to get you back with Riddhima, when I am doing all this, for you. You are obsessed with her, and I am with you. I even blamed her that she hit aunt, I thought Vansh will kill her, However, he married her. It was good otherwise I would have killed her on your wedding day.

Tell me your pov and suggest whatever you want, I think I will end it soon.

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