Chapter XXXVIII: Epilogue

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"There comes a time in your life when you have to choose to turn the page, write another book or simply close it."

(Shannon L. Alder)

~ 7 Years Later ~

"Damn sis, you trying to make him lose it at the altar?"

Y/N heard her sister's chiding voice behind her, their gazes meeting each other in the mirror Y/N was facing. A wicked smile spread across Miki's face as she approached her sister, quickly hugging her from behind.

"You were there to help me pick out the dress. You really think it's too much?"

Miki laughed while hugging her sister tighter before putting her at arm's length-- her eyes scanning up and down Y/N's body.

"Nah I'm just messing with you-- you look amazing sis."

Y/N turned around, engulfing her sister in a hug, the smile on her face widening. Miki and Y/N had repaired their relationship over the past seven years-- the two of them had begun to understand each other and rekindle the feelings that they had felt for each other when they were little. 

"Can I join in the hug?"

A voice surprised both Miki and Y/N as they broke away from each other, Kiyoko's smiling face staring at them. Gesturing with her hand, Y/N widened the hug so that Kiyoko could easily slip in.

"I'm so happy for you Y/N-- I thought that tall idiot would never pop the question."

Y/N giggled at Kiyoko's remark, her eyes full of amusement as she broke the group hug. 

"It's almost time so you two should get out there, I'll be there soon."

Kiyoko and Miki nodded knowingly, both shooting Y/N thumbs ups before they scurried out the door. Finally left alone for the first time since the morning, Y/N looked in the mirror at the reflection that was staring back at her. A beautiful white gown covered her body, the thin intricate lace creating small beautiful designs and showing just enough skin in just the right areas. Y/N smiled at herself as she gently slid her hands over her stomach, the new baby bump that had just begun to form feeling oddly comforting under her palms.

Y/N loved being a parent so much, she knew she had wanted to have another. Tsukishima was excited to hear that she wanted to share that part of herself with him and eagerly they began the process of trying for a child. Knowing that she was bringing a second life into the world, Y/N couldn't be happier.

On cue, she swore she could feel the ghost of a touch around her waist-- a smile spreading slowly across her face. She looked in the mirror once more whispering to the man who she knew was long gone, but somehow always by her side.

"I love you Kuroo, I always will."

Content, Y/N turned around just as a knock sounded at the door. Opening it, she revealed the two men who were walking her down the aisle. Daichi smiled at her softly, his eyes full of pride as he took in Y/N's beautiful appearance. Suga chuckled to himself, hitting Daichi lightly in the shoulder from his spot in his wheelchair, a smile spreading across his face as his gaze met Y/N's.

"Stop staring Daichi or you're gonna make me jealous."

Daichi blushed furiously at Suga's words, causing Y/N to burst out laughing-- wiping tears from her eyes. Daichi and Suga obviously had a relationship going on that was more than just boss and second in command.

"It still surprises me every time how easily Suga can get under your skin."

"Shut it, don't make me trip you down the aisle Y/N."

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