Chapter XVI: A Jaguar's Claws

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"A trap is only a trap if you don't know about it. If you know about it, it's a challenge."  (China Mieville, King Rat) 

Bullets piercing through bones, daggers slicing through flesh, groans of pain--

Those were the only sounds that were eminent throughout Johzenji's headquarters as Y/N mercilessly cut down her enemies. Just as Y/N had predicted, every Johzenji member on the first floor charged towards her recklessly, leaving their defenses wide open, enabling Y/N to easily see through their attacks. Within minutes the floor was covered in bodies; some dead and others barely breathing. Y/N took a minute to admire her handiwork as she looked around the room--all of her enemies lying on the floor by her feet. It's been a while since Y/N has fought by herself and she couldn't deny the exhilaration that was pumping through her veins.

Her senses heightened just like an animal in the midst of hunting its prey as she made her way through Johzenji's headquarters. If Y/N's calculations were correct, then she had already wiped out over half of Johzenji's mafia downstairs. Even if they weren't all dead, she knew that Kuroo and everyone else would be arriving soon and that they could finish them off. Y/N wanted to take advantage of being alone in the field and have some fun--she wanted to hunt the main prey.

As Y/N reached the second floor, she was met with silence. Closing her eyes, she let her hyper senses kick in as she listened for any type of movement. The barely audible sound of the tension in a bow being released alerted Y/N. She quickly moved to the side as she felt an arrow zoom by her face, the edge of it slightly cutting her cheek. 

"A black and red jumpsuit, those cat-like movements-- why is Nekoma's jaguar lurking around here?"

Johzenji's second in command, Hana Misaki, emerged from the shadows with a crossbow in hand. Her strong gaze bore into Y/N's as she tried to pick apart and analyze Y/N piece by piece. However, after coming in contact with the great king himself, Hana's gaze felt weak and definitely not as intimidating. 

"Judging by the smell of blood coming from downstairs, I'd say you aren't here for a friendly visit now are you?" Hana questioned as she pointed her crossbow towards Y/N, her finger hovering the trigger.

"I'm afraid not. I'm sorry, but you know how this business goes. You either live or you die--and today is going to be Johzenji's last day of life unfortunately."

Before Hana had time to reply, Y/N closed the gap between them and slammed a dagger into Hana's right shoulder, causing her to jump back and drop her crossbow.

Damn--she's so fast... Hana thought as she clutched her shoulder in pain--her eye's still analyzing Y/N as she awaited her next attack.

Y/N tucked her gun into her jumpsuit before reaching down and pulling the crossbow into her hands. Pointing it towards Hana's head, she admired the beauty of the weapon-- the blood running down her cheek reminding her of the power that comes from the simple bow.

"It's really such a shame-- I was looking forward to fighting Johzenji's second in command, but I guess that was the best you could do. I hope your boss puts up more of a fight." Y/N mocked as she sent a kick flying towards Hana's chest, knocking her roughly against the nearest wall--her body crumpling to the ground.

"Tsk--you're a damn monster." Hana spat before growling out in pain as Y/N's foot applied pressure to the dagger lodged in her shoulder.

Y/N pointed the crossbow directly at Hana's forehead, her blood boiling in excitement at the thrill of her next kill.

"I'm not a monster-- I'm just a jaguar, and you're my prey."

Hana's lifeless body slumped to the floor as the arrow pierced through her skull--blood splattering everywhere. Y/N dropped the crossbow and took one last look at Hana's lifeless body before turning around and heading up towards the last floor where her main prey was most likely waiting-- Yuji Terushima. 

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