Chapter XXIV: Counter Attack

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"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose."  (Lyndon B. Johnson) 

"Why didn't you save me? You were right there and yet--"

"I tried! Y/N-- I tried, but Tendo..."

Tsukishima stood frozen in place, his body unable to move as Y/N's cold blue eyes locked him in place.

"You tried? I thought I could count on you--trust you, but when I really needed you, you abandoned me. I thought you were different-- Tsukki."

"I did-- I am! Y/N, I swear I'll save you. Just hold on and I'll be right--"

Tsukishima was cut off as he felt a hand slowly begin to wrap around his neck. He tried to resist, but his body wouldn't listen as he stayed frozen in place. Y/N's cold eyes locked with his--her hand on his throat slowly killing him.

"You watched me get carried away-- carried to somewhere I probably won't return alive. So, it's only right if I return the favor--  right, Tsukki?"

"Wait, Y/N--I--I"

"Goodbye, Tsukki."

"Tsukishima! Oi-- Tsukishima!"

Tsukishima's eyes burst open as he quickly sat up, his breathing coming out in wild spurts. Taking in his surroundings, he noticed he was in the same place where he had been fighting Tendo. Barely given any time to react, his body ached in pain as he was quickly lifted to his feet by his collar. Kuroo's frantic eyes met his, searching them for answers.

"Where the fuck is Y/N!? Tsukishima, what the hell happened!?"

Tsukishima felt his body go slack at Kuroo's words--memories of what had taken place rushing back to him. He made no move to resist Kuroo as his back was slammed up against a tree-- his mind preoccupied as Y/N's screams replayed in his head. 


"Gone!? What do you mean--"

"Ushijima fucking took her alright!? I tried to stop him-- I tried, but I wasn't able too. They took her away-- she's gone Kuroo."

"You just let them take her like that? Y/N put her damn trust in you and that's the best you could do!?"

Before Kuroo had a chance to slam Tsukishima against the tree once again, a strong pair of arms pulled Kuroo away-- allowing Tsukishima's body to collapse to the ground, his head immediately sinking into his hands.

"Hey hey hey-- now's not the time for this Kuroo. You know better than anyone that there's no way Tsukishima just let them take her away. Look at his body--he's covered in cuts and bruises."

Kuroo relaxed slightly as Bokuto's firm grip held him back. Observing Tsukishima, he noticed how right Bokuto was. Tsukishima's body was covered in cuts--some small and others were deep and still bleeding heavily. It was as if his body had been played with-- his attacker easily could have administered a final blow if he had felt the need to do so. 

Silence filled the atmosphere as Kuroo couldn't think of anything to say. Bokuto broke the silence as he calmly approached Tsukishima and began to pull him up by his hands. Reluctantly, Tsukishima allowed himself to be pulled to his feet, his eyes cast down. 

Bokuto broke the silence as he placed his hands on Tsukishima's shoulders, his golden eyes trapping Tsukishima in place.

"Why do you look so defeated? You fought your best and the battle isn't over yet. Y/N can handle herself for a little while-- I'm sure you are well aware of that. Now, let's go see the others. Akaashi should almost be done with his surgery on Sugawara."

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