Chapter XXXVI: Chibi-chan

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"I had someone once who made every day mean something.
And now.... I am lost....
And nothing means anything anymore."
(Ranata Suzuki)



They say a jaguar is an animal that kills with one blow; an animal whose ruthless claws tear through their prey without a second thought. A beast, one with extreme bloodlust that doesn't hesitate to fulfill its craving for the feeling of flesh being torn apart by its claws. 

Miki watched as Y/N's nickname came to life, her movements feral as she ripped through the bodies of the Inarizaki members one by one. Atsumu's cocky grin disappeared from his face as fierce blue eyes appeared in front of him, merely inches away from his.


Blood spewed out violently, causing all heads to turn towards the brutal killing. Y/N pierced through Atsumu's neck with a dagger, killing him instantly. 


Osamu charged towards Y/N, eyes full of rage as he closed the distance between them. Dodging Osamu's advances, Y/N took the same dagger used to kill Atsumu and stabbed it through Osamu's chest. Shock was ridden across Osamu's face, slowly dying as blood gushed out from the wound in his chest. Leaning so her mouth hovered his ear, Y/N pushed the dagger further into his chest.

"Go join your brother in hell asshole." 

Osamu's lifeless body fell to the floor, the thud echoing throughout the room. Tsukishima watched with wide eyes as Y/N's cold gaze found her next target-- a bullet flying from the gun she had pulled out suddenly, the bullet finding it's target as it embedded itself in Kita's skull. 

No one could stop Y/N as she ended the rest of the Inarizaki member's lives, daggers and bullets meeting their targets with ease. Y/N ignored the fear and unease in her comrades' eyes, their looks of horror going unnoticed as Y/N's blind rage continued. Making her way towards Atsumu's lifeless body, Y/N began to slam her foot down over and over, the blood from Atsumu's body continuously splattering onto her.

Y/N continued to kick Atsumu's corpse,  her eyes glazed over with hatred and her body only focused on one thing-- the bloody corpse beneath her. Small arms circling around her waist finally caused the senseless beating to halt, Y/N's breathing heavy as she refused to take her eyes off of Atsumu's dead body.

"Y/N-- he's dead. Breath, don't let that bastard distract you from what's really important. Kuroo- he needs you."

At the mention of Kuroo's name, Y/N's eyes widened, the lifelessness that was emitting from them a few seconds ago replaced with dread and fear. Putting her bloody hands over her sister's she squeezed tightly, Miki not hesitating to intertwine her fingers with Y/N, the natural instinct to comfort her sister taking priority over their still unstable relationship. 

Relishing in the feeling of her sister's arms around her for a moment longer, Y/N then moved out of her sister's embrace-- her eyes immediately finding the sight she wished was just a cruel dream.

Kuroo laid in a pool of his own blood, his head resting on Akaashi's knees as he focused on breathing, his breaths shaky and weak. Y/N walked over to them, her legs shaking with every step as she realized what was happening-- Kuroo was dying.

"I'm sorry Y/N-- he's been shot in the lower abdomen near his pelvis... even if we were at a hospital with the best doctors, I don't think there is anything they could do for him."

"You don't think!? If you don't know then maybe you're wrong! We should get him to the hospital right--"

Y/N's outburst at Akaashi was interrupted, the feeling of a hand weakly gripping her wrist causing all her attention to go to the the dying man in front of her-- the one who had saved her from loneliness and showed her that there was so much more to life than the bad things-- the one who showed her how to love. 

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