Chapter XIII: Trust

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Warning: The end gets a bit steamy! Thank you so much for reading along and supporting me so far! I initially started this not thinking anyone would read it, but now that I have an audience I'm inspired to write more and more! Thank you! :)

"There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen." (Rumi)

Arriving back at Karasuno's headquarters, Daichi immediately called a meeting as everyone returned to where they were sitting the night before in the living room. This time Tsukishima sat down in the free spot next to Y/N instead of leaning in the doorway--Kuroo possessively wrapping his arm around her as soon as he sat down.

Y/N and Tsukishima then began to fill in everyone on what had happened, them both silently agreeing with a single gaze not to mention how Oikawa knew their secrets. As they finished relaying Oikawa's words, Kageyama slammed his fists on the table and stood up.

"Are you sure we can even trust this bastard? I've known him a long time and he's the type of person to use people to get what he wants. What if it's a trap?"

Hinata put his hand on Kageyama's shoulder, urging him to calm down as he gently guided him to sit back down. The room filled with a heavy silence at his words--they knew he was right. How are they supposed to trust Oikawa--the sly bastard would do anything for his own benefit and they all knew it. As the heavy silence continued to fill the room, Y/N shrugged Kuroo's arm off from around her shoulders and stood up, her commanding presence earning the gaze of everyone on her. 

"We were enemies, but here we are now--working together. Karasuno may not believe me, but everyone in Nekoma knows that my eyes can see through bluffs, lies-- the walls that people have built up in their minds. My gaze never left Oikawa's eyes. Even as he held a knife to my throat, I wouldn't look away. He may be sly, cunning, and in the long run in it for only him and Seijoh's benefit, but I could see what he was trying to hold back as his gaze met mine--hate. A strong hate, not for Nekoma nor Karasuno, but for Shiratorizawa. He wants them wiped out, but he knows that it's an impossible task for Seijoh to complete on their own. He needs us, along with Fukurodani. It's not a trap--it's our only way of winning."

Nekoma's members nodded, their eyes meeting Y/N's with an unbelievable amount of trust. Karasuno's members however still looked skeptical. Daichi and Sugawara whispered to each other as Kageyama's terrifying gaze met Y/N's--his eyes lighting with anger at Y/N's words.

"And why the hell should we trust you!? We just made an alliance and you expect us to follow along and trust every word you say? I don't care who you are but--"

Kageyama's words were cut off as Tsukishima stood up and placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder.

"I trust her."

Y/N's eyes widened at his words as did the eyes of every member of Karasuno. Those words met a lot coming from Tsukishima. He never really trusted anyone--he was Karasuno's lone wolf who either went on missions alone or with Yamaguchi. He wasn't a fan of teamwork nor was he somebody who blindly put his trust into someone. Yamaguchi was especially stunned-- it was his first time seeing Tsukki put his trust in someone ever since his brother died. He watched in amazement as Tsukki confidently met Daichi's gaze--his eyes never wavering.

Daichi had never seen him so serious before. He glanced at Sugawara who nodded back at him before turning back towards Tsukishima and nodding his approval. The rest of Karasuno's members followed suit, even Kageyama slowly nodded his head still in shock at Tsukishima's sudden trust in Y/N.

The tension in the room dispersed as Daichi clapped his hand together twice, commanding everyone's attention.

"So it's settled, lets go along with the great king's plan. First we gotta get Fukurodani on our side, however that won't be easy. Bokuto and his men aren't very trusting and I know him and his rash side have caused us both problems in the past."

Haikyuu Mafia AU: Alone (FINISHED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora