Chapter XVIII: Uncovered Secrets and Decisions

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"Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life forever." (Keri Russel)  

"Hey hey hey!!! Looks like the cats and crows have finally made it."

Bokuto Kotaro-- the founder and leader of Fukurodani. Y/N had met him a few times before so she knew not to be deceived by appearances. While Bokuto may seem like an idiot, he has led Fukurodani to what it has become today. Coming from old money, he was easily able to establish the ground work for his mafia. If money was all he had though, Fukurodani wouldn't be as well known as it was. Bokuto is respected as a fighter and a leader-- his straightforward and determined personality fueling the loyalty of those who follow him.

"Quiet it down Bokuto-san--you're always too loud."

Akaashi Keiji-- his second in command and the brain of Fukurodani. After being stabbed in the shoulder by him, Y/N has come to despise the confident asshole. Though, she can't help but acknowledge his wit and skill-- those characteristics that have helped Bokuto and Fukurodani to succeed. 

"Sorry Akaashi! Anyways, welcome everyone. I hate to share the spotlight, but as you all are aware Shiratorizawa is quite a handful to deal with. Since you've done us the favor of taking out Johzenji, I believe its time for a truce of our own."

Bokuto welcomed everyone into Fukurodani's headquarters. As they entered, Y/N looked around noticing how huge the place was. It was apparent with just once glance that Bokuto came from old money.

"Wow--this place is like a mansion! Kageyama, have you ever--"

Kageyama slapped Hinata in the back of the head signaling for him to shut up as everyone continued to follow Bokuto. Entering a large common area, Bokuto motioned for everyone to take a seat.

"Kuroo, it's been awhile! How have you--"

"Bokuto-san. You can catch up later. Right now we have to discuss plans. Tell them what we had talked about."

"Sorry Akaashi! As we all know, Shiratorizawa not only has strength in numbers, but in skill. Each of their members are strong and could probably match almost every one of us equally in a fight. However with our three groups working together, plus Seijoh as our backup, we should be able to fight on equal terms. However, Akaashi brought to my attention that the best way to approach them is to not approach at all."

"Eh!? You want us to just wait around like sitting ducks?" Tanaka yelled as he stood up in anger--Yamamoto rising up in anger as well.

Akaashi stood up, his commanding presence forcing Yamamoto and Tanaka to sit back down--all eyes were on him as he spoke.

"Precisely-- showing up at Shiratorizawa's headquarters would be a death sentence. Their security, firepower--heading there would put us at a disadvantage. Ushijima has been in a rush lately--he wants to climb to the top as quickly as possible. We'll let him come to us and then counterattack with our numbers."

"As expected of Fukurodani's brain. What do you think Daichi? If you're in then Nekoma is in too."

Sugawara put a comforting hand on Daichi's shoulder, nodding his head in confirmation as their gazes met. Even though Daichi was the head of Karasuno, he always made decisions with Sugawara--the two of them always glued together at the hip. 

"We're in. We'll make sure Shiratorizawa doesn't refer to us as the flightless crows ever again."

At Daichi's words the aura in the room grew as everyone started to become excited.

"I'm getting fired up!!!"

"Not as much as I am Baldy!!!"

Y/N rolled her eyes as Yamamoto and Tanaka began arguing about who was more fired up. Even though their personalities were so similar, they always clashed. 

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