Day Sixteen

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Word Count: 1764



~Day Sixteen, Monday

Juliette stretched out in bed, feeling oddly warm and sated. She sat up, looking at the wall of Jaxon's room. She looked to her right, and gasped as she saw a half naked Ace lying there, watching her.

"You finally woke," he said softly, a slight smile playing on his lips. Juliette blinked in confusion, sliding away from him slowly.

"Ace? What are you doing?" Juliette asked nervously, trying not to let her eyes drift from his. He tilted his head, looking equally confused.

"I was watching you sleep," he muttered, trying to move closer. Juliette squeaked and went to jump off the bed, but Ace's hand shot out and grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"Where's Jaxon?" Juliette questioned, looking around while trying to shake from Ace's grip. They were in his room, in his bed, but he wasn't there.

"He left," Ace said softly, pulling Juliette closer. Blinking, Juliette watched Ace slip out of bed, grabbing a random shirt from the end of the bed. It was a baby blue colour; something he would never wear.

"I don't want you!" Juliette murmured, shaking her head frantically. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"But you have to," he said slowly, his eyes darkening. This is a dream, this has to be a dream.

"No Ace, I'm with Jaxon," she tried to inform him. He tilted his head then laughed.

"No Juliette." She screamed as jumped at her.

Juliette trudged down the hallway, trying to keep her eyes open. Another restless night and weird dream. Jaxon hadn't come to bed last night because he had work, so Juliette was yearning to see him.

Suddenly something caught her eye from the window. She stopped, peering out curiously.

Firstly, she saw Blaise in his orange and black uniform, talking to someone. Juliette noticed it was the same girl that had saved his life. They seemed to be chatting happily, although Juliette could barely see the girls face.

Juliette frowned. She immediately wanted to know who the girl is, and why she had possessed a gun. But she knew she was going to be late, so she carried on her journey to class.

The silver coloured blade glinted against the artifical light that beamed down on Juliette. This weapon was exactly what Juliette had wanted, but the sword would have to do. She was just happy Jaxon was letting her use something that wasn't wooden and blunt.

She watched Jaxon assist some girl with her bow and arrow, awaiting her turn. When he was done, he sauntered over, a smile on his face. He sat down beside her, resting his hand on her knee.

"I'm glad you were safe last night in your room," Jaxon mused, giving Juliette a quick glance before he casted his gaze elsewhere. Juliette swallowed, wondering if he was playing some sort of game with her.

"I had another nightmare," Juliette said quickly, twiddling her thumbs in front of her. Jaxon frowned briefly.


"Chase," she stated casually. She hated how she always nearly said Ace instead of Chase. She was going to tell him everything tonight.

"What happened," he asked, his eyebrows creasing. Juliette swallowed, regretting even bringing it up now.

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