School Reunion-5

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"Because I am gay!"

Because I am gay!

Because I am gay!

These lines reverberated throughout the hall.Everyone was silent.They were basically still comprehending what I just said.

Sato maya just stood there with her eyes wide open.No one saw this coming.I quickly glanced at Kei.

She just stood there with her mouth open but soon she understood my intentions.So she approached maya and said gently,

"Maya,I told you we had grown distant but the truth is he told me he was gay and that was the reason we broke up.I know it is hard to swallow it all right now.So come with me and first get seated."

Maya just followed kei instruction without saying anything.She was probably still in shock and who in their right mind won't be.

"kukuku,Looks like we had a big revelation just now.We were right on time,right Ibuki?"

Ryuuen broke the silence while Ibuki who was behind him was probably still in shock.Looked like they managed to hit it off and were now a couple.

Ryuuen came forward and put forward his hand.Just as I was about to shake it ,he pulled a fient jab with his left hand.As soon as I dodged it,came a roundhouse kick with his full strength.I simply tilted my body weight to the right and dodged it easily with minimal movements.

"Oh,You are still in shape,I see."

This was Ryuuen's way of greeting me.

"Hello Ryuuen.Looks like you haven't changed a bit."

"Well,when your girlfriend is a fighter like you,not much changes."Ryuen replied.

So it was true that they were dating huh.Well,good for them.

"So,what are you upto nowadays?"

Ryuuen put his hands on Ibuki's shoulders and brought her closer.

"Both of us have opened a martial arts coaching.So staying in tip top shape is a neccesity for us.You are welcome to come anytime and teach my students a bit of your techniques."

During the 3 years of high school,Ryuuen had come to respect me very much .However,others were still in the dark as they didn't know how strong I was.Ryuuen,Ibuki,Albert and Ishizaki had seen 30% of my strength when they fought me so they had a rough estimate of my strength.However that too was far from my actual strength.

Ryuuen looked to see others dumbfounded expressions.

"Oye,Oye Just how ignorant are you fools?Kukuku,looks like you still haven't told them how I was defeated multiple times behind the scenes.Well,not that it matters now but even after being his classmates for 3 years you all couldn't add things up,huh.If he was not in class D,I wonder where would you guys be right now."

"Let's roll,Ibuki."

He fistbumped me and left the scene with Ibuki.He was probably going to the rooms in the upper floors.

"Looks like it's time guys.Let's go to the restaurant!"

And as always ,Hirata saved the atmosphere from being awkward and everyone moved towards the lift lobby.



Sato is still in shock.Matsushita looks like she has lost all hope.In fact,most of the girls look like they saw a ghost.Their faces are completely devoid of any other emotion except shock and sadness.

Oof,Kiyo tried to minimise the damage but he doesn't understand a maiden's heart after all.

Hope is what keeps us going.As long as the person we love is within our reach and our feelings can be conveyed to,That's all that matters to us.

Now that he has lied about being gay,all hopes,however tiny,have been shattered.

His plan completely backfired.Ah..looks like the lift is here.I will try to console everyone with the best of my abilities cause I feel guilty to be an accomplice.

Kiyo POV

We were on the way,suddenly the door banged open.I saw 4 silhouettes.

"Sudo,Kanzaki,Ichinose and ...Horikita?"

Well that was an unlikely group.

They were relieved when they realised we had not proceeded without them.

"Aye guys!"Sudo said enthusiastically.

"Yahoo!Everybody!"Ichinose was as beautiful and cheerful as ever.

Kanzaki smiled gently and Horikita..well she fiddled with her phone.

Seriously such a mood killer.On constant nagging,she looked up,blushed a little and said,

"So-Sorry everyone for being late!It's not like I wanted to come or anything.I mean just because you guys invited me SO much,I decided rationally that coming here was the right option.Not like I am enjoying this or anything.Also,a certain somebody was constantly nagging me to tag along with him,so I decided to-"

"Hai,Hai.Still keeping that tsundere profile,Suzune?"Sudo commented smugly.

It was clear he had nagged her to come.Both of them seriously never change huh?

Well,thinking about it ,they would make a great couple.In fact Sudo has become a famous basketballer by now who often had interviews on TV too.In short,he had fulfilled his dream.

Horikita blushed and at the same time glared at sudo.After exchanging some pleasantries,we all moved towards the lift.

Soon,the lift doors opened.

Three huge men in black suits exited first,most likely bodyguards,followed by 2 ladies.

One was a lady around her 40's.She was extremely beautiful and wore an exquisite and expensive dress.The other was a cute girl around her 20's with purple hair wearing a marine blue one piece dress.Both were a sight to behold.

I tried to avoid eye contact by masking my presence which I had mastered as a result of being a loner for many years.However the older woman looked at me-


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