School Reunion-2

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We arrived at the spot well ahead of time.

"Remember  Kei,Our marriage is still secret to the public.Only our parents and relatives know about this.As of now you are Karuizawa Kei and not Ayanokoji Kei."

"Ye-yeah of course!"I still get excited when I realize my name is Ayanokoji kei!!

Soon,I saw Shinohara and she noticed me.I waved my hand and in no time my group of girls had come.I glanced towards Kiyo who was currently  talking with his Ayanokoji group.

When everyone arrived,Hirata-kun came forward and said
"Meena,Today we have reunited after 3 years.Lets make sure we have fun today!So first we will be going to a nice hotel with a  restaraunt attached and fill our bellies"

Sounds of cheering filled the area and we entered a lavish hotel.

I heard kiyo asking hirata whether we must come to this hotel.I felt doubtful at first as to why would he ask such a question.
But then I looked around and I found the hotel oddly familiar.

Kiyo didn't show on his face but he was clearly bothered by something.I thought I would ask him later.

And we started chatting.

"Hey kei,how are you doing?"Sato Maya asked.

"Great!I am currently just an owner of a beauty parlor.Nothing more.What about you,Sato?"

"OH really!I am working as assistant secretary in a firm "

"Wow,I heard all of our class landed in well paying and respectable jobs.No wonder,as we graduated from class A"

That was really good and thats why everyone  could afford this hotel.Our high school really kept its promise of 100% employment.

"So,last time I heard you were dating Ayanokoji kun right?So are you still dating or perhaps have you taken another step now??"Matsushita suddenly appeared and put this question.

"OH hi matsushita San.Its been a long time huh?"

"Oya oya,don't change the subject kei."she said smugly.

I could see Sato,shinohara,matsushita looking at me intensely.However I could not tell them the truth.

"Umm...Actually,after school ended,we grew distant and so we broke up.."

"OH I am sorry kei."

"Yeah no big deal,BTW did you find your IDEAL husband Matsushita?"

"Well,actually no.There's  so much work and my criterion  for husband is set too high.Oh wait!There is one person who fits my criteria.Kei,is ayanokoji still single?"

"Ehh!??Well,probably yes-no NO!Whatever,I don't know."

"I think he is single cause he came alone today.Hey Sato,what about you or do you still have feelings for ayanokoji kun?"

Sato hesitated and looked flustered.

Oi,oi Choto Mate(Wait a Second)
Don't tell me they are gonna hit on my husband.But this isn't their fault.What do I do!!

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