School Reunion-3

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We soon reached the receptionist where had to tell our names and they ticked  on the list.

When my turn came,

"Ayan-Karuizawa Kei"

My cheeks grew hot and I almost spilled the beans.The other three gave me puzzled looks.

Anyways we finished that business when Sato asked
"BTW shinohara, how is it going between you and ike kun?"

Shinohara started growing red.Ahh~A maiden in love.

"Actually both of us have tried many times but none of us have the courage to confess.."

"HAAAA!!!!You haven't even confessed.It is clear as day you like each others.Its been 4 years now and you haven't even started dating"

  The three of us started scolding her mercilessly. I mean,seriously!How can one be such  wimpy cat.

An idea flashed across my mind but I was kinda unsure.I would ask kiyo afterwards.


Kiyo POV

I was surrounded by Ayanokoji group but Sakura could not attend this reunion as apparently she was an international idol and currently was performing in New York.Being an idol comes with its fair share of problems,huh.

"Hey Kiyopon,what are you currently doing?After graduation,you completely cut ties with us!Not only us but all our classmates.We demand an explanation!"

"Yes,Kiyotaka." and all of them nodded in agreement.

"Sorry guys but due to certain circumstances,I had to leave this country for some time and I am currently president of a small company.Nothing special at all.What about you guys?"

"Me and Haruka are working in the same company as director and assistant director.Keisei is Head Professor at Tokyo University"Akito said with a glint of pride.

"Well,Academics is my only area of expertise.And why are you two so similar? No wonder both of you landed the same job at the same company."Keisei commented.

"So,are both of you married to each other?"Keisei further probed.


"What?The two of you are the most compatible couple I have seen.Even your brains run the same.Just get it over with already now."

Haruka and Akito's face reddened at these comments from keisei with no comeback whatsoever.

To dissimate the awkwardness I asked Keisei,

"So keisei,what about you?Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Nope and I am not planning on getting one anytime soon.Right now,My only goal is to become principal of Tokyo University.That's it."

"Keisei will never change,huh?"Haruka sighed.

"Oi,whats so wrong about not having a girlfriend?"

And so I reunited with our group and it felt good being with my closest high school friends again.

Suddenly,I heard a voice behind me,


I turned around to face a girl.

"Oh,Maya-chan.Long time no see."I spoke with my usual dull voice but then I remembered Kei had taught me to smile especially when meeting someone.So I forced out a gentle smile.

Suddenly the whole hall was enveloped in silence and I could see numerous eyes on me.Did I do something wrong?Was my smile creepy?Ahh why am I still such a socially awkward person.Even after Kei took so much effort teaching me.

"Umm..Is something wrong,Maya?"

Sato POV

"Oh,Maya-chan.Long time no see."He spoke but then at the end he smiled.

Wait.Nani?What the hell just happened.First he caught me off guard by calling my first name.As far as I remember,we both agreed to be on first name basis in our second year.But still I was so happy.But then the bigger surprise was that he SMILED!

I stood there as it is as a statue.Most of the people in the hall noticed him smiling and there was pin drop silence.

"Umm..Is something wrong,Maya?"

I was brought back into reality.HE SMILED!!It would be an understatement to call him the most handsome person in the world.

My heart was fluttering and beating at such a rapid pace that I was half sure everyone could hear it in this silent atmosphere.

I knew one thing for sure.

At that instant,he had stolen the hearts of all single maidens in the hall.

Including mine.

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